Example sentences of "[adj] [conj] [adv] [adj] [art] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 It was thought by some that too great a burden might be placed on principals in smaller firms or on sole practitioners if such a proposal were made mandatory , and that either the ‘ net ’ of suitable signatories should be widened to include assistant solicitors or Fellows of ILEX , or that the category of undertaking to which the ‘ rule ’ might apply should exclude those of a routine or non-financial nature .
2 On her return she knew that it was he who had plucked the sting but she was afraid that too demonstrative a show of gratitude might be misinterpreted .
3 Even Pacquement admits that , in recent times , contemporary art has been viewed with too eclectic , uncritical and almost deferential an eye .
4 It did not seem possible that so lively a person was dead .
5 Very few men have led so versatile or so successful a life as Peter Scott .
6 Ironic that so noble an edifice should house so vile an organisation .
7 Sad that so important a subject should be so turgid for most of us .
8 It is as simple and as revolutionary a milestone in human culture as the invention of the wheel .
9 It is rather like something that I used to do as a young groundsman coming up through the ranks , when I applied for vacant jobs all over the place , the bigger and more prestigious the place the better , and more often than not without the slightest intention of taking the job if it had been offered !
10 The vicious force which was now her essence and to which she gave the name of hatred ( only this was too narrow and too petty a name to describe it ) was directed upon Jack : Jack on whom daily , as he looked at her sometimes so anxiously , so humbly , she smiled the smile of reassurance and of calm .
11 But the larger and more complex the system , the further one can get by studying its workings .
12 That the petitioners beg earnestly to press the consideration of these circumstances upon the Presbytery in the hope that they shall use every effort to obtain services of some servant of Christ who may promote his cause among so neglected and spiritually destitute a community , to which perhaps a parallel will not be found in the Highlands of Scotland .
13 The efficiency of government could only be increased at the expense of its popularity ; the more corrupt and less efficient the government , the more acceptable it was to creole merchants and landowners .
14 Graham said : ‘ It is a fascinating pastime which we enjoy at night and on weekends and the brighter and more colourful the topic , the better . ’
15 In spite of this , Mahan wrote ‘ For twenty-two months Nelson 's fleet never went into port , at the end of that time , when the need arose to pursue an enemy for four thousand miles , it was found massed and in all respects perfectly prepared for so sudden and so distant a call . ’
16 As she got closer to them Julia thought that she had never seen a man with such brilliant dark eyes or so saturnine and yet handsome a face .
17 The relegating acolyte does not realise that after a certain date nearly every book is as good or as bad a case as another .
18 Though the very fact that it is so traditional and so formal a poem in the pastoral tradition , held in the tightness of all the conventions that it employs , not only allows , but in some strange way makes possible , the intensity of personal feeling that it contains .
19 So , for accountants and those that can receive plenty of training and can get to grips with the program , it is very powerful and as complete a set of tools as you 'll see .
20 Unless the original is crisp and clear the copies will lose definition , the smaller or more delicate the typeface , the worse the problem .
21 Honeysuckle likes its feet in the shade and head in the sunshine ; grown in too sunny or too warm a place , it becomes infested with greenfly , blackfly , caterpillars and red spider mite .
22 However , not long after , Grisewood resigned and Mrs Whitehouse later said that he was , to her mind , ‘ too sincere and too gentle a Christian to be at ease amongst the demolition men who frequented the BBC at the time ’ .
23 And contrary to Adorno — the more apparently homogeneous the product , the more important and potentially productive the role of reception , and of the mediations interposed between the two ( DJs , peer-group opinion , subcultural appropriation , use-situation , and so on ) .
24 As a general rule , the older and more stable the community , the more difficult it is to penetrate .
25 Others before Frank Kermode , in his suave and erudite but ultimately acidulous The Classic ( New York , 1975 ) , had protested that as a framework inside which real political decisions and actions could be taken , Eliot 's Virgilian-Dantesque perspective was not just useless but dangerous .
26 Maggie feels no doubt about that : so small a word , so small and so necessary a word is bound to survive , to slip through the net of destruction that she and Fenna — no , that she herself , alone — will loose on the cold sky tonight .
27 ‘ I am confident that , in due course , self-governing schools will become as accepted , as successful and as beneficial a part of the Scottish education system as school boards have become . ’
28 This is to certify that Color Serjeant Nicholl served in the Grenadier Company of the King 's Regiment for twenty one years , and being myself one of the Officers of the Company during the greatest part of that period , I have consequently had an opportunity for closely observing his character and conduct , therefore it is but doing him that justice which his uniformly good behaviour merits , to state that I have never ( in his station in life ) met with a more truly steady or strictly honest a man .
29 Finally , in view of the crucial part which the further education sector plays in the educational and economic well-being of Wales , not least in the way in which it caters for the indigenous population , it is regrettable that too big a gap still exists between it and the secondary school sector and too few Welshmen and women , particularly perhaps among those who are Welsh speaking , recognize its many achievements in the past and the vital contribution which it will be called upon to make in the future .
30 The resurgence of ‘ fashion ’ as a topic high on the agenda , the preoccupation with food and clothing as matters of status and importance , provides as big and as successful a distraction now as it ever did .
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