Example sentences of "[adj] [conj] [adv] [art] [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 But as Carl Simonton , the radiation oncologist prominent in the holistic health movement , and others point out , this does not isolate diet as the sole or even the main cause and it is likely that cultural factors , for which Japan is unique among industrialised nations , may be more significant ( Simonton et al .
2 Unlike the other more senior competitors for the approval of the leader , she did not treat him as a fellow professional or even a well-informed client .
3 With the reduction in content required to keep them infallible , it seems unlikely that any interesting beliefs about the past , the future , the unobserved or even the present material surroundings could ever be justified by appeal to the basic .
4 He makes it clear that both the official guidance and Yeo 's public statements are not supportable in law .
5 In the person of Mary of Guise , it had been made abundantly clear that neither a French background nor an assertive Protestant aristocracy was a bar to the exercise of power and the acquisition of respect .
6 … it seems clear that either the basic subscription should be increased to say £12 so as to recover the cost of four issues of the journal and leave £7 for the lifeboat service , or members should be asked to pay a subscription for the journal .
7 In the preface , the editor of the catalogue makes it clear that only a representative selection of coins is listed .
8 Schools are given the same written guidelines as in the Major Project , but it is made clear that only a short proposal document is required to accompany the school 's spending plan .
9 The cost of freehold land is so high that only a wealthy man who farms intensively can hope to make a living on his own small farm .
10 At the lower end of the scale the items may be far shoddier than even the cheapest village or nomadic rug ; at the higher end , one can find work of the most outstanding calibre and sophistication .
11 For the more down to earth woodworker it is interesting that often the cordless drill is picked up in preference to the mains powered one for many tasks .
12 By 1896 La Chapelle was receiving more than a million tonnes , but by now the bulk of it was French and only a small proportion Belgian , testimony to the industrialization that had taken place in the wake of the railways .
13 If insufficient attention has been devoted to the design of this and also the related access procedures the symptoms are a plethora of documentation which no individual entirely understands , the temptation to do it again rather than waste time finding out how something has already been done and too much reliance on the human memory .
14 Environmentalists claim that there is insufficient evidence to argue that dioxins are not harmful and therefore the precautionary principle should be enforced , and a ban be placed on all chlorine bleaching .
15 At Rosemarkie in the Black Isle , north-east of Inverness , a remarkable number of stones were found within a few hundred yards of the present Groam House museum , indicating past importance as a tribal and then a religious centre .
16 In this period barriers to trade were high and thus the multinational structure of operationally-independent companies was a necessity .
17 Both in 1780 when a divergence between metropolitan radicals and Wyvill 's gentry in the county associations was evident and in 1793–4 with the calling of a British and then an English Convention , the contradictory potentialities of the convention were part of the substance of debate amongst participants .
18 That in itself may be a messy and therefore a smelly business .
19 The finish was as accurate as the rest of the Belgians ' efforts had been wayward and suddenly the numerical disadvantage Rangers were working under threatened to be a severe handicap .
20 In public sector organizations , the distinction sometimes takes on a lesser and sometimes a greater importance .
21 Men like Pugin , Ruskin and William Morris turned a distasteful and then a blind eye to the fast growing urban sprawl and preferred to live in genuine or fake medieval houses by rivers or lakes .
22 Moreover , in decisively increasing the importance of the literate culture , it had the effect of a new kind of stratification , in which the cultural but also the social importance of the still oral majority culture declined .
23 In Fig. 11–11 the median voter is constrained to vote for an output combination along 18 of the budget line 12 because otherwise the local authority would set tax rates that left the poorest citizens with a minimum income level lower than that regarded as acceptable ; i.e. they would set a tax greater than 19 .
24 Of the two types of bend tests the four-point is the more reliable since only a pure bending moment is applied to the centre section of the beam and the relation becomes exact , for small curvature , since the deformation is truly into a circular arc .
25 And it seemed to her that that broken line , I know not , oh , I know not " , expressed a level of passion as high as any the English language could achieve ; the interjection and the repetition and the archaic inversion were to her the exhaled breath of yearning .
26 It is also interesting as perhaps the key example of a special system designed to minimize political influence at the local level , since local authority involvement is only indirect and slight .
27 Although all that is required , where the new husband is acquiring the husband 's interest , is an assignment of the husband 's equitable interest , this is plainly impracticable as neither the new husband nor the wife will wish the husband to continue to have any interest at all in the property .
28 Normally , the energy of the particle is still positive , but the gravitational field inside a black hole is so strong that even a real particle can have negative energy there .
29 Whatever the final conclusion to research underway may be , it is ironical that perhaps the best solution to the problem is the increased use of that other much environmentally criticised energy source , nuclear power .
30 Among those aged 85 or more a similar proportion of those with and without living siblings had been admitted to a home at some stage but among those aged 75 — 84 more of those without any such relatives had been admitted : 30 per cent compared with 17 per cent .
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