Example sentences of "[adj] [conj] [pers pn] have [be] [det] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ It was quite obvious that they had been much more to each other than just friends , ’ she said .
2 It was Marguerite as she had been many years ago , and Jenna saw what her father had seen , what she herself saw now — the attraction of kindness , of calm good humour .
3 It was an enormously thorough and comprehensive review of the case , running to four volumes and more than 1200 pages , yet it would have been better if it had been half the length and taken half the time .
4 And this is strange because he has been all his working life that representative of law and order , a dedicated policeman .
5 BEATRIX : You ca n't , so long as you remain as pig-headed as you have been all your life .
6 ‘ Leith , ’ he said , but his look was no warmer , no less arrogant than it had been all morning , ‘ you do n't … ’ he went on , and seemed slightly stuck for words .
7 The ground fire was much worse than it had been that morning .
8 Phenomenal because it 's been such a difficult year , and this is erm a prize that 's given to the gentleman or lady that accrues the most points in the whole of the amateur section .
9 It was almost a physical pain and for a moment he felt shocked because it had been many years since the agony of losing Gerda .
10 I think that you have made the magazine more interesting , more satirical and funnier than it has been this century .
11 On leaving the stall they plunged into the hall which was bedlam , and far fuller than it had been that morning .
12 ‘ What would he want a word about ? ’ she questioned hostilely , wanting him to be gentle as he had been that morning .
13 Sebastian and I began to feel as close as we had been all those years ago .
14 He added : ‘ Lee was outstanding as he has been all season .
15 Nor do I imagine that Number 10 would have been overjoyed if it had been some young detective constable . ’
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