Example sentences of "[adj] [conj] [pers pn] [vb past] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 Bourgeois society took for granted the sanctity of property , the supremacy of the market as a social regulator , the propriety of individual self-improvement and self-advancement , the abandonment of the traditional and irrational where they stood in the way of utility , and a belief in progress .
2 Earlier , at a London news conference , Mr Ashdown challenged Mr Kinnock and Mr Major to make clear where they stood in the event of a hung parliament .
3 She watched him walk away along the corridor heading back towards the club , her heart feeling lighter than it had for the past week .
4 Mrs Henry embarked on a course in herbal medicine and it was during this that she heard about the Gerson therapy .
5 With direct reference to the ‘ Jewish Question ’ , and in response to a ‘ demand ’ for more radical action which he had read in a newspaper , Hitler made clear that he had at the time to proceed tactically and in stages , but that his strategy was to manoeuvre his enemy into a corner before destroying him completely .
6 He made clear that he agreed with the thrust of all the other recommendations , except the one which said that responsibility for food should remain within the Department of Agriculture .
7 That evening Wycliffe 's after-dinner walk took him once more to Newlyn , but it was a fine evening and still light so he continued along the coast road , past the stone quarries , to Mousehole .
8 They ended in a pair of green bronze doors , each so high that they disappeared into the gloom .
9 In fact , she was very old ; she was twenty-four years old and she worked in the mill and earned eight shillings a week .
10 The hareems , including ours , started to arrive about 9.30 and we drifted into the women 's majlis dressed in our best .
11 She was pretty and popular and she lived for the moment .
12 Tim was taller and broader and he leaned towards the old man like a creature caught in the instant of springing on its quarry .
13 the , yeah , twenty I mean , well that one goes different and they started at the same edge , ah two twenty twos oh
14 The driver had the good manners to signal with headlights that he was clear but he stayed in the overtaking lane , letting the twin turbos build up speed .
15 ‘ It was interesting because he arrived for the audition clearly drunk , ’ said Hauser .
16 Is this because they built onto the
17 Afraid that at any moment someone would shout ‘ Grab her ! ’ and drag her off to some unspecified yet ineluctable torment , she forced herself at least to look calm while she sat at the console on the dais .
18 I acquired the skills to do this before I knew about the world , purely because of God 's will .
19 Meanwhile , Gower , who will be in India this winter commentating for BSkyB , last night changed his position on the protest , saying : ‘ I had hoped they might drop this before it got to the full meeting .
20 I did n't want to be different when we went to the dance . ’
21 She wondered if the boys were discussing this as they whizzed along the nearer road in Andrew 's fast car .
22 He reminded me of this as we sat on the beach watching Ted and Carwyn having their hopes dashed on the Pipeline reef .
23 However , at the tender age of eight I was unaware of all this as I marched from the back gate of Canberra , across a narrow road and into White City for the Borough Primary School Sports .
24 She considered all this as she listened to the heated opinions forced upon her outside the shop ( where the throbbing engine of the Findus delivery van obliged everyone to shout ) , on the corner by the church and at two other points on her route back to Greystones .
25 She debated the likelihood of this as she strolled around the crowded exhibition at Olympia , too preoccupied to take in much of her surroundings .
26 It is not precisely clear when he knew of the extra cases .
27 It all seemed so clear when he appeared on the Frost programme two days before the Leader of the Opposition 's visit to Luigi 's restaurant .
28 The two were inseparable as they trailed around the neighbourhood , never leaving each other 's side .
29 So , having consistently been right about why and how the Tories would win , I was wrong when it came to the point .
30 He did n't appear to have seen her in the water and Rachel had the advantage of watching him unobserved as he strolled along the poolside , a towel slung around his neck .
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