Example sentences of "[adj] [conj] [adv] [art] [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 But as Carl Simonton , the radiation oncologist prominent in the holistic health movement , and others point out , this does not isolate diet as the sole or even the main cause and it is likely that cultural factors , for which Japan is unique among industrialised nations , may be more significant ( Simonton et al .
2 Unlike the other more senior competitors for the approval of the leader , she did not treat him as a fellow professional or even a well-informed client .
3 Occasionally several males may form loose groups together , but whether they do this or not the essential point here is that it is the combined efforts of the females that control the herd , and rear and defend the young .
4 With the reduction in content required to keep them infallible , it seems unlikely that any interesting beliefs about the past , the future , the unobserved or even the present material surroundings could ever be justified by appeal to the basic .
5 He makes it clear that both the official guidance and Yeo 's public statements are not supportable in law .
6 In the person of Mary of Guise , it had been made abundantly clear that neither a French background nor an assertive Protestant aristocracy was a bar to the exercise of power and the acquisition of respect .
7 … it seems clear that either the basic subscription should be increased to say £12 so as to recover the cost of four issues of the journal and leave £7 for the lifeboat service , or members should be asked to pay a subscription for the journal .
8 In the preface , the editor of the catalogue makes it clear that only a representative selection of coins is listed .
9 Schools are given the same written guidelines as in the Major Project , but it is made clear that only a short proposal document is required to accompany the school 's spending plan .
10 The cost of freehold land is so high that only a wealthy man who farms intensively can hope to make a living on his own small farm .
11 At the lower end of the scale the items may be far shoddier than even the cheapest village or nomadic rug ; at the higher end , one can find work of the most outstanding calibre and sophistication .
12 For the more down to earth woodworker it is interesting that often the cordless drill is picked up in preference to the mains powered one for many tasks .
13 By 1896 La Chapelle was receiving more than a million tonnes , but by now the bulk of it was French and only a small proportion Belgian , testimony to the industrialization that had taken place in the wake of the railways .
14 I believe the agenda for the 90s is rooted in daily life and Postmodernism is in harmony with this and not an autonomous entity .
15 If insufficient attention has been devoted to the design of this and also the related access procedures the symptoms are a plethora of documentation which no individual entirely understands , the temptation to do it again rather than waste time finding out how something has already been done and too much reliance on the human memory .
16 Environmentalists claim that there is insufficient evidence to argue that dioxins are not harmful and therefore the precautionary principle should be enforced , and a ban be placed on all chlorine bleaching .
17 At Rosemarkie in the Black Isle , north-east of Inverness , a remarkable number of stones were found within a few hundred yards of the present Groam House museum , indicating past importance as a tribal and then a religious centre .
18 In this period barriers to trade were high and thus the multinational structure of operationally-independent companies was a necessity .
19 Er in the U K we 've held our market position and it 's been a a pretty desperate market we were one of the few if not the only book seller who refused to er to yield better discount terms er , on the threat of er every , every book seller was every er publisher was threatened with erm not being stocked unless we gave bigger discounts .
20 Both in 1780 when a divergence between metropolitan radicals and Wyvill 's gentry in the county associations was evident and in 1793–4 with the calling of a British and then an English Convention , the contradictory potentialities of the convention were part of the substance of debate amongst participants .
21 → When you buy goods or equipment you have a legal right to expect them to comply with any description applied : leather not plastic , solid wood and not veneer , or in this case a ‘ 67 and not a 1974 model .
22 That in itself may be a messy and therefore a smelly business .
23 The finish was as accurate as the rest of the Belgians ' efforts had been wayward and suddenly the numerical disadvantage Rangers were working under threatened to be a severe handicap .
24 Andre Beteille argues that the search for a biological basis for social stratification is bound to end in failure since the ‘ identification as well as the gradation of qualities is a cultural and not a natural process ’ .
25 In public sector organizations , the distinction sometimes takes on a lesser and sometimes a greater importance .
26 Ben Jonson actually takes delight in announcing ( in Latin ) on the title page of his 1616 Workes that the book is designed for the select few and not the common crowd .
27 Men like Pugin , Ruskin and William Morris turned a distasteful and then a blind eye to the fast growing urban sprawl and preferred to live in genuine or fake medieval houses by rivers or lakes .
28 It 's a big stage event with a very abstract brief , very exciting but not a fancy dress show . ’
29 Whichever party is in power makes some but not a great deal of difference .
30 Moreover , in decisively increasing the importance of the literate culture , it had the effect of a new kind of stratification , in which the cultural but also the social importance of the still oral majority culture declined .
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