Example sentences of "[adj] [conj] [adv] [prep] [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 either that or out on the bleeding street
2 However , what can we say with confidence about the beliefs of ordinary people , either in the nineteenth or even in the late twentieth century ?
3 The current 300,000 youth training places in the United Kingdom compare with the lamentable 7,000 or so under the last Labour Government .
4 When we asked all the branches in Environmental Services if they had anything we should know about and put into print for the next Environmental Issues , such as had they done anything exciting or out of the ordinary recently , Branch manager from Pest Control Sheffield , Henri Amiss was quick to point out that everything their branch did set them apart from other branches .
5 Around 30 or so of the larger lakes remain , mostly composed of heavy crude oil which is solidifying into a sticky , semi-viscous non-porous layer .
6 Natural law and rights theories , positivism and contextualism , are in this sense no longer incompatible theories of the law but enter into the legal languages or dialects which are spoken in different or even in the same legal systems .
7 Nevertheless , there is no doubt that Guevarism and other currents of thought have been influential in forcing established Communist parties to rethink their role and recognise the need to be far more responsive than hitherto to the specific circumstances of their own country .
8 For operations above this and up to the new five metre maximum , the installer simply removes a push-fit restrictor from the appliance .
9 The Faculty Office or the Schools Liaison Office will be pleased to advise on this and also upon an appropriate choice of sixth year subjects , particularly where students have marginally failed to meet the entry requirements at the first sitting of Highers .
10 Other works from this and even from the earlier phase will be discussed in the last section of this chapter , on relief and architectural sculpture , since that is the area in which the formation of the ripe archaic style can most clearly be traced .
11 And if you look back at the minutes and then Yona I think she 's great as the secretary because she does n't let anything go but on the other hand she 's pretty informal about and the way th that over the weeks you know somebody er Julie or June or Mervia Ann come up with the suggestion that they maybe feel why do n't we do this and then by the next week it 's turned into a a rally or a big picket or or a record .
12 He was rewarded for this and more with a Bulgarian sentence of death and a British MBE .
13 On one of them , the leather sole had been built up fairly high and yet by the sheer elegance of the design the modification scarcely showed .
14 But the lifts of the pen came regularly at every fourth letter — Middlemass had never found a forger who remembered to vary the interval at which he lifted pen from paper — and the dot above the i , high and slightly to the left , and the over-emphatic apostrophe were almost a trade-mark .
15 With Ruggles and Parkinson hitting high and hard in the third , Partners held a 14–11 advantage but again failed to capitalise , although a couple of refereeing decisions left them puzzled .
16 Off with the old and on with the new !
17 The motherboard can take a full 66MHz DX2 chip but there 's no easy upgrade socket — it 's a case of our with the old and in with the new .
18 It was out with the old and in with the new for the start of the speedway season in Swindon .
19 IT was out with the old and in with the new and despite the result , Darlington manager Ray Hankin still found much to praise about Quakers ' performance after another home defeat sent them closer to the Fourth Division .
20 The cupboard smelled slightly of damp and even on a warm summer evening Ginny felt the prickle of goose pimples rising on her bare arms .
21 The curtains were drawn but they were thin and unlined and even in the subdued light he could see that the room was spectacularly untidy .
22 For ‘ Paris ’ add Prague , London , Venice , anywhere beautiful and foreign and not of the everyday , and for ‘ young man ’ insert ‘ or middle aged woman ’ and for ‘ lived ’ and ‘ or visited at a time in your life when you most needed it . ’
23 That date is before the start of the Classic period about AD 300 and well before the marked population increase at the peak of the Maya Civilisation .
24 Any broadcaster will tell you that there is something different and better about a live ‘ performance ’ .
25 During the first three millennia BC , two of the main concentrations of political power of the day , the Assyrian empire and Babylonia , lived in a state of near-permanent warfare , first with one another and then with the Persian kingdom of Elam , which at different times captured both Babylon and Ur and was itself in about 1100 BC laid waste by the Assyrians .
26 Oh there was quite a few and then on the other side there was er , the old reading room where the erm er , building society is it now , what 's there ?
27 Most of the time it was rigid and still under the hot sky but on the occasions when it swayed , though no one noticed a breeze , there was a tiny ticking noise of brittle head against dry stalk .
28 Churchill himself was interested not only in this but also in the wider implications of nuclear developments in the 1950s .
29 This was low in 1801 and 1802 but high over the next five years ; it was on the low side in 1812 and 1813 , recovered in 1814 , but was falling again as the wars ended .
30 Without this first step there is no beginning , and every subsequent step in the search takes one further but always in the same direction .
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