Example sentences of "[adj] [conj] [pron] [noun sg] for [art] " in BNC.

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1 Hegel 's use of this Romantic tradition to develop his idealism with respect to the rationality of the actual and his striving for the transcendence of duality do , however , find their parallel in Simmel 's highly positive attitude to art , affirming its ability to express and overcome fragmentation .
2 Yet despite his efforts , his wife shewed no sign of becoming pregnant and his need for a son remained unfulfilled .
3 It was not until 584 that his bid for the throne made serious headway , and then only after the murder of Chilperic had left certain of his followers without a patron .
4 Her relationship with Queen Elizabeth II was believed to be frosty and her regard for the Commonwealth , now dominated by black- and brown-skinned leaders from Africa and Asia , slight .
5 And is it as poor as his theme for The Big Match ?
6 You could find yourself spending more than your allowance for the day 's entertainments .
7 You could find yourself spending more than your allowance for the day 's entertainments .
8 You could find yourself spending more than your allowance for the day 's entertainments .
9 For the next couple of weeks , Brenda had phone calls from various people claiming the dogs belonged to the Sharmas and was even visited by the local police , although they were quite happy that her request for a description was reasonable .
10 His raptures over pretty strangers and their come-hither designer clothes were as over-the-top as his enthusiasm for a new cocktail .
11 Trying to arrange a temporary nanny proved to be as useless as their hunt for an electrician .
12 But it was evident that an argument was taking place between the adults , possibly as to whether their need of a refrigerator was greater than their desire for a mammoth room heater .
13 If his average for the first X t is one greater than his average for the X plus two tests So a hundred and twenty six over X is gon na equal ?
14 Hamilton played well , Palace won 2–1 and his claim for a first team place had been properly and completely justified .
15 But his eye is too keen and his feel for the different histories of these nations too strong to slip into one-answer explanations .
16 It was as genuine as her affection for the old man .
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