Example sentences of "[adj] [conj] [pron] [verb] [art] long " in BNC.

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1 The consequence of excommunication for Jacob was economic isolation : he was forced to give up his trade ( also shoemaking ) and was given redress for this when he petitioned the Long Parliament in 1640 .
2 The sobs were uncontrollable and she gave a long piteous cry .
3 In an ideal world we would be recycling and re-using everything , but this is n't possible and we have a long way to go before we can turn all our waste into a resource .
4 The people are generally friendly but shy and it takes a long time to gain their confidence to the point where they will teach a visiting scientist the secrets of their art .
5 But what I saw when we went to Spain in 1978 and I had a long , relaxed talk with James in the patio of our common hotel , actually frightened me .
6 That requires two conditions , one that you have no long term debt , and that under the capital control regime which exists on the legislation , you have what is termed a nil or negative credit ceiling .
7 Progress was slow and it took a long time to get a handicap , the first being 17 .
8 Being a mere apprentice was boring and carried no cachet , and Lydia was dauntedly aware that she had a long way to go before she achieved the skills and ease of perfection .
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