Example sentences of "[adj] [conj] [verb] it [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 It 's that or hacking it with the hammers .
2 I think either that or have it on a separate sheet .
3 And as Joe was saying , he said , all we do is just go back to them and just try and say well look you know when you come to see us again do you want to accept this or regret it on the basis that you 're going to strike , but all the other section in the company 's accepted that .
4 Quigley ( 1979 ) confirms this and uses it as a basis for examining alternative language environments .
5 In the back of one of my homemade guitars I used a bit of thin foam , rolled up tight , to hold a battery in place ; then I had a brainwave to use a piece of this and lay it across the springs , between them and the rear plate .
6 ( It would be advisable to make a copy of this and keep it in the ‘ Record of Achievement ’ as insurance against loss of the original . )
7 If you wish , you can copy this and use it as an ongoing walking record after the 30 days .
8 She blames her mother for this and sees it as a sign of inferiority , thus experiencing penis envy and transfers her affections to her father as he has the penis she wants .
9 She folded the silver square of wrapping paper in half and made it into a little boat .
10 Cut this waste in half and cramp it to the opposite corner of the block , and drill a 1–1/4in diameter hole where the pieces meet .
11 All you need to do is drill a hole into the back of the engine to take a piece of thin wire , then fold the banner in half and glue it to the wire with PVA glue .
12 His eyes went to her head and he snatched her hat free and flung it into the back of the car .
13 The sentence trailed off as Hitch pulled the Beretta free and aimed it at the crewman .
14 Keep close watch on the stitches , it is worth working a little slower to make sure that all the stitches have knitted and should you find that an occasional loop stays over the needle after knitting the row , set the main carriage for EMPTY and move it across the knitting to knit any unworked loop .
15 Teesdale District Council turned down an application for the sign on the ground of it contravening the town area local plan but the inspector said it was acceptable and allowed it for the next five years .
16 The co-existence of IP 3 Rs and RYRs may somehow help to integrate information coming in from the outside and to relay it throughout the neuron through the process of CICR already described .
17 Six and moving it to the afternoon yes , it 's er a nice question .
18 tendency if you talk about it you 'd be honest but to write it on a form you 'd be
19 If , however , such a revaluation were required , say , 20 years hence , the same house in band D would probably remain a band D house , provided that its relative position within the range of property values had not changed so much as to take it outwith the new parameters for that band .
20 Now Lizzy had taken all that her grandmother held dear and dragged it through the dirt .
21 The visionary places in the ordinary the elements of the eternal and raises it to a higher plane of reality .
22 It is essential that all Teachers fill in the enclosed form with regard to information for the Annual Report as soon as possible and return it to the Office or to at the latest by the end of January .
23 Nevertheless the constructive work of Communists in the Blitz and the war factories kept the Party alive and put it in a good position to exploit the opportunities for expansion that followed Hitler 's invasion of the Soviet Union in June 1941 .
24 Son a Southwark hat manufacturer , Vaughan purchased Constable 's ‘ Haywain ’ from Christie 's in 1866 and presented it to the National Gallery , London that year .
25 just get the plate and er like stick it over with a bit of er filler or something like that and stick it over the top !
26 And er getting back to that and cleaning it with a real good clean every single week .
27 ‘ There , take that and read it over the week-end .
28 She had done better than that and taken it to a jeweller to be plated and put into a mount so it could hang on her chain .
29 Yet he opened his challenge for The Masters with a 75 and closed it with an 81 .
30 I chose Miller for you , he could drink a distillery dry and chase it with a brewhouse .
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