Example sentences of "[adj] [conj] [verb] [been] [verb] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 These two cone types are present in almost equal numbers , and not in the ratio of 2:1 that has been postulated for the human fovea .
2 They put their trust in a military solution to right the wrong that had been done in 1688 , and looked to France for help .
3 It is worth posing additional questions to promote discussion some that have been found to be useful are : If there had been no problem with the purchase of the bacon-curing business what would you have done with the £500 paid to the accountant ?
4 Our local starling population is a race apart in that they are non-migratory and have been isolated in the islands for long enough to have developed their own characteristics .
5 GPSG is computationally economical and has been developed to a point where a large number of interesting syntactic phenomena may be dealt with in an integrated formal framework .
6 The volume of complaint about the difficulties encountered by pedestrians is certainly high and has been recorded in a number of surveys in recent years .
7 The overall electron transfer from the anion is particularly high and has been calculated at approximately 0.8e .
8 Gazzer was twenty-two years old and had been compared in looks to a pit bull , entirely to the dog 's advantage .
9 The jail is less than a year old and has been hailed as a model prison .
10 I am twenty years old and have been educated in Britain .
11 Some of the vellum bound books are nearly 400 years old and have been read by successive generations of Oxford students .
12 When the VDU is free and has been allocated to the current Offline run , the Offline System will present a display similar to that shown in Figure 2.1 .
13 A " procession of silence " for the restoration of constitutional rights , declared illegal by the government on April 1 , had proceeded in Caracas on April 2 and had been dispersed by police using water cannon , tear gas and birdshot .
14 He accepted they had thought the flat was empty and had been put under pressure by Allen to start the fire by squirting petrol through the letterbox .
15 Getty , 59 , had been Premier since 1985 and had been re-elected in 1989 .
16 At all material times he and his family have been homeless within the meaning of section 58 of the Housing Act 1985 and have been living in temporary accommodation provided by the council , the local housing authority , under section 63 of the Act .
17 Pilkington , the brother of Gloucester 's retainer John , had been a royal servant since the early 1460s and had been rewarded with land in the north midlands , bringing him within the duchy connection .
18 Pilkington , the brother of Gloucester 's retainer John , had been a royal servant since the early 1460s and had been rewarded with land in the north midlands , bringing him within the duchy connection .
19 increase agreement reached at the end of June , 1973 , and if it be right to regard this as having been reached under a kind of duress in the form of economic pressure , then what is said in Chitty on Contracts ( 24th ed. ) , para. 442 , to which both counsel referred me , is relevant , namely that a contract entered into under duress is voidable and not void
20 The ideal osmotic control for ethanol is distilled water and not hypertonic glucose or saline as has been used in some studies .
21 America 's faltering recovery continued with a 6.7% rise in housing starts in April over the previous month , lower than had been expected after a first quarter in which housing starts had been curbed by bad weather .
22 His Laws is still read with pleasure when much that has been written in intervening centuries on the subjects which he treated appears arid , unintelligible , pompous or irrelevant .
23 The nearest thing to a conjuring trick was the new bell-push that had been fitted under the carpet for Mrs Iverson . ’
24 Stone recurrence after extracorporeal shockwave lithotripsy is expected to be similar and has been reported as 9% in the first year .
25 Trinity Mill , near Bagendon , is one such and has been put to a number of different uses .
26 D. D. Thakur had resigned as governor in March 1991 and had been replaced by Loknath Mishra .
27 Suppose , for example , a text ( such as the Bestiary : thirteenth century , East Anglia ) exhibits 3rd singular verb-form variation in -es , -ep ( such as standes , standep ) and syncopated forms ( such as stant ) : this may indicate that the text is composite and has been copied by scribes from different dialect areas ( for discussions of these scribal questions , see especially McIntosh , Samuels and Benskin , 1986 ; Laing , 1989 ; McIntosh and Wakelin , 1989 ) .
28 According to a recent Hollywood Reporter piece , the Runt is currently labelless but has been working on a project which has been hailed as the first interactive album .
29 The central block was originally Jacobean but had been gothicised in the late eighteenth century .
30 Critics argue that if the probe should explode on lift-off or veer off course and re-enter Earth 's atmosphere , the batteries could be pulverised , dispersing 260,000 curies of radioactive waste — more than half as much as has been released in all nuclear tests .
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