Example sentences of "[adj] [conj] [verb] [to-vb] [prep] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The boy always having adventures and escapades while the girl looks on admiringly , tells him to be careful or stays to play with dolls , is by no means automatically true of the day-to-day play activities of young children .
2 ‘ It was wrong , I know , but , as I said , it was easier than trying to explain about Paul , and , to be perfectly honest , no one ever mentioned David to me after he 'd gone .
3 Henry has no wish to do this and chooses to explain to Annie why he finds Brodie 's work clumsy and ill-constructed .
4 Grain- and seed-eaters of grassland and savannah were gregarious and tended to breed in colonies .
5 They would be routed for the second time in their existence , and their slaves — the people — would be set free and return to fight with God against them !
6 Yet it may be asked how a man can be at once free and forced to conform to wills which are not his own .
7 He returned to Britain to marry and came back to Madeira in 1811 , having opened his commercial house in 1808 and begun to deal in wine .
8 But surely Andy is just too sensible and balanced to belong in rock 'n' roll ?
9 The female Lionisers left the rest of their hollands untouched and began to think in terms of returning to the hotel .
10 The credits supplemented a loan package of $1,500 million made in June 1991 and intended to last until February 1992 .
11 The second round of selling of vouchers under Czechoslovakia 's privatization procedure ended on Aug. 18 , with the third round commencing on Aug. 26 and scheduled to end on Sept. 15 [ for details of the scheme and previous stages see pp. 38469 ; 38734 ; 38777 ; 38921 ] .
12 The report , by Professor Michael Zander , of the London School of Economics , criticised United States legislation on the confiscation and forfeiture of assets as being too wide-ranging and open to abuse by prosecutors .
13 At least 35 people , most of them Moroccans , drowned in the Strait of Gibraltar on Sept. 26 while attempting to cross to Spain , and 38 others were arrested by the Civil Guard .
14 He added , ‘ Michael Crawford , gangling , gauche and trying to escape from life through Oriental mysticism , achieves some really hilarious effects with his alternating bouts of unworldly chatter and inexplicable rage . ’
15 It claims that the IAEA : ( i ) colluded with the Soviet authorities in concealing the true impact of the Chernobyl nuclear accident in 1986 and failed to respond to warnings that foreshadowed disaster ; ( ii ) failed to prevent the diversion by the Iraqi government of enriched uranium from French and Soviet civilian programmes for military purposes ; ( iii ) refuses to tackled the issue of the transport of nuclear waste across national boundaries ; and ( iv ) encourages the dumping of radioactive waste in Africa and other developing countries .
16 Simon will be attending the Fair as normal and intends to arrive on Wednesday morning ( 11/10 ) , departing Saturday morning ( 14/10 ) .
17 Later be became giddy , sick and weak and had to go to hospital twice , but no-one knew what was wrong with him .
18 Evenings are their weakest time since they soon begin to feel fatigued and want to go to sleep relatively early .
19 It was a stray that came to beg for food in the garden of a town house .
20 He braked hard and managed to stop before impact , but the woman fell on to the road in front of his car .
21 If you become ill and have to go into hospital , you will probably be concerned about keeping in touch with your children .
22 They also get the tusks and the bristles which they sell or barter in India , and a large proportion of the fat , which can be rendered down and used for cooking , or dried and preserved to smear on cuts and bruises .
23 Through this kind of work , women became more and more politically conscious and began to participate in solidarity work with other sectors .
24 It all helps to get your eye in and is far better than trying to rely on memory .
25 TWO soccer fans were tired and wanted to go to bed
26 ‘ Plancius ’ was anchored some way offshore because of shallow water and reefs , so when the first party went off in the inflatable , we could see no land at all and had to steer by compass .
27 Should she confess all and refuse to attend at Mrs Tiverton 's morning do ?
28 Bingham , in charge of his 116th international and scheduled to retire in December , said : ‘ I 'm going all out for a win .
29 When you get rich you find that the rich are soft and stupid and want to talk about parties for their daughters .
30 The theorem , and the model of competition it defends , are at their weakest when trying to account for deals struck between small numbers of transactors — in other words , when the assumption of many buyers and sellers does not hold .
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