Example sentences of "[adj] [conj] [verb] [pron] [noun] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Profoundly deaf pupils will almost certainly need modification of the speaking and listening component , especially if they were born deaf or lost their hearing before acquiring language .
2 either that or banging his head on the wall !
3 The restoration of the monarchy and its patronage proved a particularly valuable source of wealth and position to those who had remained faithful or changed their allegiance with a careful eye to the future .
4 Obviously most of them had them marked or had their name on them , so that they would have the same er the same set of tools every day .
5 So we just ask that these come forward so that the Council can fully discuss this and make our replies to before they 're formally adopted ?
6 The employers took advantage of this and exploited their journeymen by " letting them play in the morning " and calling them from their " houses of call " in the afternoon .
7 No just deal with this and let their deal with the amendment as it is .
8 ‘ We will carry out some work on this and send our findings to the scientists in Edinburgh . ’
9 ‘ I must thank you for all this and giving me food in the week and I 'm sorry for what I said , it 's just that I 'm not used to people being nice to me .
10 The military advice given to Mountbatten was that they should not be armed , but he overruled this and gave his recognition to the AFO .
11 There is little to be gained from refusing to do so , but if you object to the warning for some reason , you should make that clear and pursue your rights under the appeals procedure .
12 Continue to weigh yourself daily and mark your weight into the chart each day .
13 Les had a health scare two years ago and was ordered to cut down on drinking , stop smoking and reduce his weight from 15 stone .
14 After his last heart scare two years ago , Manchester-born Les was ordered to cut down his drinking , stop smoking and reduce his weight from 15 stone .
15 A team of Palernian prostitutes , their wool in frizzy perms , sat smoking and dangling their legs in the sunlight on the steps below the Malibu Arcade .
16 He was a ‘ prodigal who is brought kicking , struggling , resentful and darting his eyes in every direction for a chance of escape ’ .
17 If you can identify some of them , you may find you can arrange things so that you avoid some of the situations that make you feel Not-OK and increase your exposure to situations where you experience OKness .
18 The Queen delighted in his preaching and made him Dean of Westminster .
19 What the Henry Pratt books ( there is a second in print , Pratt Of The Argus , and a third imminent ) have in common with the rest of Nobbs ' work is his love of running gags and bizarre symmetry , an interest which made Perrin so relentlessly funny and reached its peak in the near-geometric farces of the two Bit Of A Do series .
20 He laughed loudly at things that were n't funny and littered his English with expletives to appear more at home in the language .
21 But it went horribly wrong and ruined his hopes of finishing anywhere better than third .
22 That is no doubt wrong and covers our blindness to our own Scottish variety of unpleasantness , but easy to see how it happens .
23 In 1982 the EEC limited production of CFCs 11 and 12 and cut their use in aerosols by 30 per cent .
24 He 's new , he 's adorable and he 's unique to The Red House — get our soft cuddly JESS the cat absolutely FREE and follow his adventures with a Free Postman Pat book too .
25 He gave his life for the King , because , as I entered , Detchard pulled himself free and drove his sword into the doctor 's side .
26 Institutions systematically direct and channel our perceptions into forms compatible with the relations they authorize .
27 In either case you can easily and very quickly dehydrate and put your life at risk .
28 Defending the use of out-of-date prices , he said : ‘ You can not levy tax from April 1 , 1993 and make your valuations on March 31 . ’
29 George Underwood : David was always a bit over the top and he decided to write to John Bloom , a millionaire business , saying something to the effect ‘ Brian Epstein has got The Beatles but you can have us ’ , but Bloom was n't that interested and passed his letter to Les Conn , an agent . ’
30 There were those who were interested and showed their interest in the following year but by that time officership was foremost in Eva 's thoughts .
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