Example sentences of "[adj] [adv] for [art] [noun pl] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 However , the we have recently had to incur extra expenditure because the road that were put in looking at one hundred er er were found to be too high especially for the services and er place er committee which er throughout that it was very difficult but apparatus you know moving fire .
2 I knew the last 10 minutes would be nervous both for the fans and the supporters , as had happened against Oldham the previous week .
3 Queensland has a warm tropical climate and going barefoot was quite common even for the boys but some form of footwear was needed on occasion .
4 Life was fraught enough for the Stevenses as it was , with the constant care of Jennifer , without her adding to their problems , and besides , she had come to value her privacy and her independence .
5 We return to this issue when we discuss the implications of greater numbers surviving into their eighties and nineties both for the survivors and for the society at large .
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