Example sentences of "[adj] [adv] as [to-vb] the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Perhaps cyclists using the service could be asked to clean their bikes as much as possible so as to minimise the risk of oil stains etc .
2 Section 4 of the 1982 Act amends the Law Reform ( Miscellaneous Provisions ) Act 1934 so as to exclude the survival of any claim for damages for loss of earnings during the lost years for the benefit of the estate in respect of deaths occurring on or after 1 January 1983 .
3 Foucault argues that a whole series of movements since the nineteenth century , including various anthropologizing Marxisms , have developed complicitly with this so as to preserve the sovereignty of the subject against Marx 's and others ' decentrings : positivism , the Hegelian Marxism of Lukács , the Marxist humanism of Sartre , as well as various theories of cultural totalities such as that of the Frankfurt School .
4 It may be helpful to bend down to do this so as to minimize the strain on your back , especially with a heavy dog .
5 This does not appear to be altogether necessary , having regard to the grade of the inclines , but possibly the condition of the bond has induced them to add this so as to prevent the semblance of a hang to the descending tank .
6 Upon receiving the report , the court can make an interim order under s 252 so as to facilitate the implementation of the proposed voluntary arrangement or make a bankruptcy order ( s 274 ) .
7 The aim of structural fire precautions is to limit the spread of fire within the building or from one building to another so as to minimize the risk to life .
8 ( 2 ) That no stay was to be imposed unless a defendant established on the balance of probabilities that , owing to the delay , he would suffer serious prejudice to the extent that no fair trial could be held , in that the continuation of the prosecution amounted to a misuse of the process of the court ; that , in assessing whether there was likely to be prejudice and if so whether it could properly be described as serious , the court should bear in mind the trial judge 's power at common law and under the Police and Criminal Evidence Act 1984 to regulate the admissibility of evidence , the trial process itself which should ensure that all relevant factual issues arising from delay would be placed before the jury as part of the evidence for their consideration , and the judge 's powers to give appropriate directions before the jury considered their verdict ; and that , accordingly , the judge 's decision to stay the proceedings had been wrong , since such delay as there had been was not unjustifiable , the chances of prejudice were remote , the degree of potential prejudice was small , the powers of the judge and the trial process itself would have provided ample protection for the police officer , there was no danger of the trial being unfair and in any event the case was not exceptional so as to justify the ruling ( post , p. 19B–E ) .
9 The delay , such as it was , was not unjustifiable ; the chances of prejudice were remote ; the degree of potential prejudice was small ; the powers of the judge and the trial process itself would have provided ample protection for the respondent ; there was no danger of the trial being unfair ; in any event the case was in no sense exceptional so as to justify the ruling .
10 The delay , such as it was , was not unjustifiable ; the chances of prejudice were remote ; the degree of potential prejudice was small ; the powers of the judge and the trial process itself would have provided ample protection for the respondent ; there was no danger of the trial being unfair ; in any event the case was in no sense exceptional so as to justify the ruling .
11 Clause 2 amends the Prison Act 1952 so as to increase the penalty for sending anything into prison with the intent to facilitate an escape .
12 Like his celebrated 1976 Macbeth , which teamed McKellen and Judi Dench , Nunn 's Othello was deliberately small-scale and intimate so as to shift the emphasis away from overripe declamation and directorial grandstanding and back to the fevered pulse of the play .
13 I knew of one farm where they served the suet and gravy first so as to take the edge off their hunger and save the meat .
14 The first and last points are the same so as to close the zone boundary .
15 This was perceived necessary so as to bolster the bargaining position of consumers .
16 ‘ The case of Morgan v. Palmer , 2 B. & C. 729 shows , that if a person illegally claims a fee colore officii , the payment is not voluntary so as to preclude the party from recovering it back .
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