Example sentences of "[adj] [adv] and [verb] [pron] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Jimmy returned with arms full of torches , switching each on and positioning them in the brackets of the huge copper boilers , or on the floor so that surreal fans of light were cast against the dirty plaster walls .
2 Well when it does ste , it , you can fill that in and send it to them and then they phone .
3 No it 's to much of a , I hate saying I 'll go out at eight o'clock and tell him to be home and at quarter too eight he has n't come and oh , I 'm to tired really , but , so I 've always played it that I will help when I when I can , but uhum , I do n't go on the committee , cos then your stuck , you 've got to go .
4 I can take some down and put them in the cupboard .
5 You should fill this in and return it to them .
6 Instead you were given a medicine bottle , bought a stick of liquorice , cut this up and stuck it into the bottle .
7 Why did you fill this up and leave it on table ?
8 Then he crossed this out and replaced it with :
9 Cut this out and stick it in the space on your super Daily Mirror wallchart
10 And it was like , nothing , so we just extended all this out and made it into a stage come , a bigger dance floor cos the I do n't know why they wa always seem to have this trends that , they have these trends in the seventies and that was , and eighties of having small dance floors
11 ’ Farrell switched the two-way off and jammed it into the seat pocket beside him .
12 We keep an extra cover at the end of the bed , and she would pull that off and wrap herself in it .
13 This is very popular in the country because upon the whole trade unions are unpopular , and therefore , if you can attach the consequences of your own actions ( for which you desire to transfer the blame to other people ) to somebody who is unpopular already and attribute it to him , you are almost certain to be home and dry .
14 I wrote it all down and gave it to a solicitor .
15 Then probably , if the weather was fine the next day or two , we would go and drag-rake it up with another horse in a drag-rake ; and then rake it all up and put it on the cock .
16 The best thing to do with lead piping is to rip it all out and replace it with copper or plastic .
17 And this particular public regulation is all about and protecting us from ourselves , and although we do need protection from of the world , we do n't need protection from ourselves .
18 Get a pair of scissors cut that out and stick it on these
19 she said yeah she said sorted that out and put her in a trolley
20 We have a basket where we keep all her toys and chewy things and she empties that out and brings everything from where that is and puts them all on this rug and consequently this rug I think she she has adopted as hers .
21 He grabbed Twoflower 's reluctant am and dragged him down the street .
22 Full-back Wadsworth 's ‘ remarkable accuracy ’ turned defence immediately to attack by the way he could ‘ take the ball from an opposing forward and send it to the forward he thinks will make the best use of the pass ’ ( Examiner ) .
23 So I am trying to get the new librarian to push all those books into one section … and maybe we could have a trolley and push that around and have it in the lower school …
24 What he had n't counted on was the tunnel effect of putting five together and pointing them into a wind that came more or less straight from the Urals after turning left over Norway .
25 He sacrifices four lambs at the base of the li ga , then takes two inside and kills them by slitting open the throat and the chest and cutting off one of the forelegs at the shoulder , so the heart can be taken out , still pumping , and offered to the god on a plate on the dhāmi 's raised seat .
26 The other traditional method is to turn the edges of the upper inwards and sew it to the midsole with Blake stitches .
27 These replies were highly satisfactory to the King , who summoned Baldwin to the Palace at 3.15 p.m. and charged him with the task of forming a Government .
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