Example sentences of "[adj] [adv] [adv] as it [vb -s] " in BNC.

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1 This book , therefore , is good and probably reliable as far as it goes .
2 This is fine so far as it goes , but even Marxist approaches have not always taken things as far as they should go .
3 I understand that the Government 's policy is to target pensioners and , as I said , the increase in premiums is welcome as far as it goes .
4 I imagine you have to secure one of these as soon as it comes on the market . ’
5 great take a seat , is it still as cold out there as it looks ?
6 Now , for the 10 per cent of house-buyers who rely on this report , or even the 15 per cent who rely on a mini-survey , that 's fine as far as it goes — and I would not wish to discourage anyone from having a professional survey , or ever advise against one — however , all the surveyors I know would prefer knowledgeable clients who had carried out their own surveys first and could present their results to them for investigation and comment .
7 Dawn is not ideal even now as it has very limited sleeping accommodation .
8 An extra incentive can be useful so long as it does not become a too regular ( relied upon ) habit .
9 Trevor Nicholas , head of Barclay 's computer operations , says that the bank has been the victim of attempts to move funds to accounts in other parts of the world , but that as far as it knows , they have been thwarted .
10 The actual nature of the game is not important so long as it focuses your attention effectively , distracting you from your negative thoughts or your symptoms .
11 The judge erred in law in holding that in mortgage proceedings if a mortgagee failed to seek an order for costs then the mortgagor could apply for the costs to be taxed on an appropriate basis ; if no order was made the mortgagor could require that the costs of the mortgage proceedings be referred by the master taking the account to the taxing master for taxation pursuant to R.S.C. , Ord. 62 , r. 24 ; ( 3 ) that a provision in the mortgage deed providing expressly or by implication the basis on which costs were to be taxed was not then binding on the court and the judge also erred when he held that in mortgage proceedings a provision entitling the mortgagee to an indemnity against all costs , charges and expenses was void so far as it purports to exclude the jurisdiction of the court under section 51 of the Supreme Court Act 1981 .
12 ‘ Heightened expectation on the part of supporters is understandable and tolerable so long as it comes with a sense of realism .
13 It need not be accurate so long as it shows the disposition of the rooms — — information which will be of great value later .
14 If we are referring to a mass of matter we can say that it is the same so long as it consists of the same particles , whereas if we are referring to a living body this need not be so : ‘ a colt grown up to a horse , sometimes fat , sometimes lean , is all the while the same horse : though … there may be a manifest change of the parts . ’
15 But at least it pays no rent and in practice it is secure so long as it farms the land and avoids bankruptcy .
16 An image is a pictorial understanding of a kind which is true so far as it goes , but which falls short of full rational clarity , and must eventually be superseded by a concept .
17 As I said before , the Handbook of Human Intelligence is excellent as far as it goes , but it certainly does not go far enough ; perhaps the second edition will improve on this sad state of affairs !
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