Example sentences of "[adj] [adv] [prep] [art] [noun pl] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Keeping in touch with this flow , as well as the hundred-odd pages of daily transcript , was a job practicable only for the zealots like Brian Rome or the massed ranks of the CEGB staff .
2 Because there is no ozone radiative feedback in either simulation , the dynamical evolutions are identical , and therefore differences are due entirely to the changes in chemistry .
3 The structure of the Pacific — its enormous , landless centre , its contorted and congested peripheries — is due entirely to the plates of which it is constructed and the manner in which they have moved in relation to each other .
4 She had undergone a sea-change into something rich and strange down in the depths of Lucifer .
5 The movement of the boundary which you seek to create is possible only under the terms of Policy E Ten .
6 comparisons of the drugs within litters reveal differences due only to the effects of X 1 , X 2 , X 3 , i.e. there is good internal validity ;
7 The costs are low enough for the schemes to be applied to whole towns … it is estimated that the measures will be amortized within three to six years on account of saved accident costs . ’
8 Dry and weigh , use an equal weight of sugar , sprinkle this on to the stems in a shallow dish and leave for two days .
9 This provided a richer and more varied diet and a grander life style for those in the middle and upper ranks of society than would have been possible if they had been dependent only on the products of a self-contained peasant economy .
10 Although my efforts would make Mr Walt Disney cringe , they were popular enough with the children of Navan , and I was soon handing out picture after picture — all free , courtesy of Navan shopping centre .
11 The first 30 in through the doors at Doc 's Orders in Yarm Road tonight will receive a copy of the EP .
12 Draft Companies House guidance for foreign companies operating in the UK may not be clear enough for the companies to be sure they are acting within the law , according to the Institute .
13 The house I was after was on the south side , that much I knew , but it seemed a pretty standard sort of street with terraced houses down both sides , distinguished only by the colours of the front doors where the residents had actually bothered to renew the paintwork .
14 well may I propose that we put all this along of the lines with flexible that they expressed the committee tonight and use ?
15 ‘ We 'll keep this away from the Yanks for now .
16 Area panels which have been so bitterly criticised , and neighbourhood forums , have since confirmed the wisdom of that process and the rejection of a Tory budget process , driven not by the needs of the community but the need to deliver the firm Thatcherite message which is still there , set a poll tax as low as possible and then work your priorities backwards irrespective of the consequences .
17 Table II shows this further by the changes in juice concentrations that occurred in the two subgroups according to whether the final plasma vitamin C concentration was high or low .
18 Taciturn , precise , a perfectionist engineer , with little skill in a boardroom , Bentley was , by his own account , unresponsive and over-sensitive to criticism , dependent always on the riches of others whom he could not control .
19 But he also provided an account of Merovech 's birth , which may cast light both on the origins of the Merovingians and also on some of the peculiarities of the account provided by the bishop of Tours .
20 He had built this out on the steps of the church and placed it on trestles before the rood screen .
21 Government actions may be responsive mainly to the interests of the capitalist class or the interests of a political class dependent on popular or sectional support to maintain its position of power .
22 The proposal passed its first and second readings in the European Parliament with minimal amendments , and was adopted in March 1993 substantially upon the lines of the text published in July 1992 .
23 He was stunned by the absolute purity on all sides , on the wet trunks , tones of black contrasting dramatically with the showers of leaves , hung in suspension like clouds of golden rain , in loose tufts as if blown there by a wind .
24 any suggestion because I think the jury would be interested particularly with the dates on them , but even if there are n't compare the figures in different editions
25 Legislation of this type is regressive even by the standards of seventeenth century England .
26 Second , there is the possibility ( which , according to the Marxist model of capitalist liberal democracies , will become a certainty ) that the bureaucracy will be responsive primarily to the interests of a particular class in society .
27 They are not considered to be non-viable either on the grounds of their isolation and remoteness from the communities they serve , or on the grounds that they are physically falling into a state of dilapidation .
28 He or she will be interested therefore in the products of information technology as a means to communication rather than as a store of data .
29 Though he established a military academy at Chełmno in 1776 specifically for the sons of the Polish nobility , this was not consistent with his general line of thought .
30 In answer to the question ‘ why does stigma persist ? ’ the products of interactionism shy away from the realities of social structures , preferring to provide an ‘ answer ’ in terms of the spurious generalities of ‘ eternal verities ’ .
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