Example sentences of "[adj] [adv] [prep] [art] [noun pl] [subord] " in BNC.

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1 And you 've got to try and relate this back to the areas as we have now as we now understand them .
2 The Americans were 11 under par when it finished they had also been six under in the Foursomes when they beat Gordon Brand and Sam Torrance .
3 However , we do not treat the groups any differently from the individuals as we found no significant effect of the g variable .
4 Position the plant in the centre of the pot so that its crown is about 2 cm ( 1 in ) below the pot rim ( 1 cm/½ in if the compost is soilless ) , spread the roots out if they do not already form a compact ball with the soil and , holding the plant with one hand , fill in compost with the other all round the roots until the pot is full .
5 Life was fraught enough for the Stevenses as it was , with the constant care of Jennifer , without her adding to their problems , and besides , she had come to value her privacy and her independence .
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