Example sentences of "[adj] [pron] have [been] the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 But it seems sad that so many did not have a more enjoyable sexual introduction , especially when for a few it had been the one and only time .
2 Thus , in 1969 he had been the main Cabinet instrument of dissent in rejecting Wilson and Mrs Castle 's proposed statutory incomes policy .
3 From 1904 it had been the last Romanov 's main home .
4 It had been a difficult decision , but she was sure it had been the right one .
5 It is hard to under-estimate the influence of the Popular Church in the lives of Salvadorean women who have become involved in the opposition movement , For many it has been the crucial eye-opener , the starting-point for what many describe as the transformation of their lives and their commitment to revolutionary change , Particularly among the poor , in the shanty towns and in campesino communities , women have become actively critical of the government because of the influence of their church leaders , Many have been encouraged to join self-help organizations or trade unions through their church and from there have developed wider political commitments .
6 Scholars of the development of the English language know that generic he has been the undisputed standard usage for less than two centuries .
7 I had n't had a good War for months ; the last one had been the Ordinary Soldiers versus the Aerosols .
8 Matthei had been in post since 1978 , but in the late 1980s he had been the first among the military leadership to recognize the strength of the democratic opposition and the inevitability of political change and , as a result , began to distance himself from the military hardliners .
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