Example sentences of "[adj] [pron] [vb mod] [vb infin] [pers pn] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Where a statutory authority is under a mandatory obligation to supply a service , whether with a saving or nuisance clause ( that nothing shall exonerate it from proceedings for nuisance ) or whether without such a clause , the authority is under no liability for anything expressly required by statute to be done , or reasonably incidental to that requirement , if it was done without negligence .
2 You stand still and listen to what I 've got to say , and if you do n't stop looking at me like that I 'll hit you over the head with this . "
3 And I thought , if I got that I could give it to Irene and could go wedding .
4 out the door like that I 'd put them out the door just like that .
5 If there is any more of this I shall weport you to the headmaster . ’
6 The cheapest I can buy them for my dinner is £2.50 per half hundredweight bag .
7 ‘ If you are not careful someone will mistake you for a Hearthware , ’ said Ratagan , handing him his sword belt .
8 He followed this with the unkindest cut of all : ‘ Or is it that he is afraid I will ask him for money ? ’
9 Are you afraid I will thank you for your generous gesture towards my mother ? ’
10 You might not be able to see all of this somebody will talk you through it .
11 We should never have got rid of the little Fiat we used to have which started first time every time and if anything did go wrong you could fix it with an elastic band or a bit of string , Gianluigi used to say , although personally I 'm hopeless with machinery .
12 I do n't well I could be wrong she might do it on the spot .
13 I mean some you can stop 'em with a s sheet of thick paper or others will go through very solid objects and as you say you need a good sheet of lead to stop it .
14 Let's face it , possum , there are some who would put me on a pedestal .
15 8.2 You shall indemnify us against any loss or damage to the items mentioned in Condition 8.1 , arising while such items are in your possession or before redelivery to us .
16 If they want to show things like this they should show it in private . ’
17 But I 'm afraid they may accuse me of lying . ’
18 It 's — undignified , for one thing and for another it can get you into trouble .
19 She was afraid he would ask her about herself and to forestall this she asked him to tell her about his training and what he hoped for in the future .
20 After the working day they sit down to supper and the master sets the tasks for the morrow : Quoth Maister — Lads , work hard I pray , Cloth mun be peark 'd next market-day , And Tom mun go tomorn to t'spinners , And Will mun seek about for t'swingers ; And Jack tomorn , by time be rising , And go t'sizing mill for sizing , And get your web and warping done That ye may get it into loom .
21 Yet it is impossible I should love him for his vices all ugly him over .
22 There 's not much I can teach him about riding , as you see .
23 For my part I would have to decide how much I could tell her without giving away Neil 's presence on Moila .
24 All the same , he half-wished she would ask him about it , show some interest …
25 The PROFITBOSS is so consistent you can read him like a book .
26 There was nothing much she could tell us about him anyway , only what we knew already .
27 So easy you can do it in your sleep .
28 I only want to know how much you can pay me for them . "
29 Er I think the difficulty was , there was n't much they could charge him with .
30 She said that if I came here to the island and said I was sorry you 'd welcome me with open arms . ’
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