Example sentences of "[adj] [pron] [vb past] a [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Four weeks before was due I started a new job here in Birmingham leaving and in Yorkshire .
2 I 'm only sorry I had a prior engagement , otherwise I 'd have been here much earlier . ’
3 As usual I felt a little trepidation before the climb , but this was dwarfed by the thought of skiing down from the refuge , across the Argentiere glacier , and up to the bergshrund below the face .
4 But as usual I affected a supreme unconcern , and floated past them with a sway of the hips that was a touch exaggerated .
5 Soon after this I received a favourable response and I began house-hunting and discussing the details of how to meet my care needs .
6 But despite all this I had a successful Championship , winning the 100 metres and tying , in an exciting race , with John Regis in the 200 .
7 This I found a great help .
8 In July 1972 I spent a whole afternoon discussing teaching and children with the headmaster of what corresponded roughly to a middle school .
9 In 1972 I suggested a fresh categorization of the processes involved to take into account an additional meaning of ‘ propagate ’ ; namely to rear to sexual maturity .
10 I 'd a proper I had a proper drill , oh you 're talking about the new ones ?
11 During the lay up of Venturous I spent a brief interlude in the Solent area evaluating the performance and suitability of a thirty two foot fast motor cruiser Gazelle which had been purchased by the Department as an experiment .
12 In a sense , the concerns of today echo those which preceded the enactment of the Glass-Steagall Act in the US in 1933 which established a formal separation between banking and securities activities .
13 For this she used a bent knitting needle with a cork to protect her hand .
14 ‘ When you had them fresh you had a concrete floor .
15 He did not approach her sexually ; he did not pretend grand passion ; he wanted to share his interest in Møn with another who had a similar love of the island .
16 Kevin Wilson was another who had a fine game ; he has developed into a player Northern Ireland can not afford to be without .
17 They had their own pet name for God — He was Jehovah to one , the Lord of Hosts to another who used a plural form .
18 It was done in 1972 by Black , Jensen and Scholes , 2 who took a random sample of shares quoted on the NYSE and calculated the betas from 60 consecutive monthly returns .
19 We were extremely well looked after by Per Sorum , a sprightly 70-plus year old who had a beautiful house in Aasen .
20 He explained why he sent on Platt : ‘ In the first half we had a great deal of possession but we needed to move the Brazilians about , we needed to hurt them a bit more .
21 To re-emphasise , I would like this one played a little bit special if you can .
22 As a father-of-six I do know a little about babies and this one had a healthy cry .
23 Ordinarily , I get a trifle fidgety around females who ca n't leave their faces alone , but this one had a good excuse and anyway it was like watching an artist in front of a canvas .
24 This one had a whole lot of switches on so it can be altered from outside without going inside .
25 To the right was another door ; beside this one stood a uniformed man in what looked like a Securicor outfit .
26 If it was stormy people were too busy looking after the farm and the animals to bother much , but when it was clear we had a nice meal .
27 Despite this they had a wonderful tranquillity in such a foreign place , so far from home .
28 For this they prepared a comparative study to show that the lockout was far more extensively used by German employers than by employers elsewhere ( Schregle , 1981 ) .
29 To do this they arranged a movable slit to open for a wide ΔΕ when the photodiode array is operating and close up for a narrow ΔΕ for the spectral detector .
30 They had been geared up to use so much physical energy that even when they were very old they had a dynamic force within their bodies for which they had no outlet .
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