Example sentences of "[adj] [pron] [modal v] [verb] in the " in BNC.

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1 That nothing can stand in the way of
2 When that was like this I used to sit in the bottom of the cart cos that were rough , very rough trip .
3 After this we must participate in the UNO and try to unify North and South Korea by negotiating with Russia from the standpoint of freedom .
4 This he might find in the service of a bishop ; for many bishops in the late eleventh and twelfth centuries were coming to have large staffs of young clerks , who learned the business of ecclesiastical administration and rose to be canons or archdeacons , or were seconded or translated to the royal service .
5 Now it 's a long time since I went by tube , and there 's not much you can do in the carriages except keep a handkerchief over your nose , but a useful tip is never to put your hand on the rail beside the moving staircase .
6 But Keegan is convinced they will stay in the promised land .
7 He would n't need much he could sleep in the car-but he 'd still have to eat and buy fuel .
8 I think I 'd start off by saying that it 's probably and likely to f that you could find in the Greater York area , between six and ten miles from the city centre , erm one location which met every one of the twelve criteria , one hundred percent .
9 • Put out any burning clothes by smothering them with a thick cloth or rug , but not something synthetic which would melt in the heat .
10 These fish in the 1lb to 2lb class can be a hundred or more strong in a shoal , and if you begin catching this size of barbel it is likely they will remain in the swim , feeding off and on , for as long as you have bait to keep them interested .
11 The biologists and applied scientists are involved in the schemes in that they also are part of the resource that one would consider in the university to give talks to school children .
12 And then after that we 'll go in the garden .
13 I said after that we 'll go in the garden before it rains .
14 Suddenly Geoffrey said , ‘ I 'm not sure I shall stay in the theatre .
15 ‘ I know there was speculation that my career was over , but at 29 I am sure I can play in the 1995 World Cup . ’
16 When I first when I was first driving in the early 1970's you could park in the quarry car park any time you fancied except the few days before Christmas .
17 All she could see in the gloom was the high stone wall of some building .
18 But I 'm sure we 'll finish in the top six .
19 She had set a very high standard for our display work and had established a tradition which we would do all we could to uphold in the future .
20 We demand that they defend our interests , both in Westminster and Eur European Parl Parliament , but we must realize that until the electorate of this country vote in a Labour government , as I am sure they will do in the near future , no later , we will have a w workplace campaigns , we 'll have workplace campaigns to educate and inform our members .
21 ‘ At first , I was n't at all sure they 'd work in the cottage .
22 While , understandably , this mild recommendation was all they could make in the circumstances , there is no disguising the fact that , for the next five years at least , non-advanced further education in Wales badly needs the infusion of more resources .
23 We then sprayed them with water for our picture and the instant transformation showed just how very good they 'd look in the right setting .
24 Robert Hardy says he re-arranged his schedule to make sure he could appear in the final episode of Inspector Morse .
25 After long days and nights alone I would wake in the mornings wondering if this new day would bring a new poem from you , a new smile as you ran dancing towards me on your boxer 's turned-in toes .
26 In the meantime a jig had been prepared such that the tailplanes could be broken under loads not dissimilar to those they would meet in the air .
27 It is generally expected that the profits firms receive as a result of collusion exceed those they would earn in the one-shot NE , otherwise they might as well not collude .
28 They claimed that before the cameras began to roll Kylie and Charlie could be seen locked in heated discussion abut just how heavy they should get in the love scene .
29 They are concerned it should stay in the community , in the house .
30 Say you 're the nearest I can find in the book , Filton I should try .
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