Example sentences of "[adj] [pron] [verb] [adj] [noun sg] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Oh dear me does this tape recorder understand Essex girls ?
2 After this I bought some contact magazines .
3 A key point to note is that every stage of processing was able to affect the score of a reading ; thus , for example , a reading that scored more highly during the first ( semantic conflation ) phrase could later be overtaken by another which allowed easier reference resolution .
4 Underneath this she wore black cotton trousers — ideally these should have been made of silk , but she felt sure no one would notice .
5 To achieve this you need simple drawing tools that allow you to reshape something once you 've drawn it , and a good selection of relevant clip-art .
6 she done some she done some chocolate cake and she put in er chocolate icing .
7 Unlike the previous passage , this one has several vocabulary items specific to ( originally ) black youth culture , for example bredder ( brother — in the community rather than biological sense ) , sound ( a large mobile disco — but see Gilroy 1987 : 164ff for a fuller description ) , spar ( friend ) , skirt and daughter ( both words for women ) , while other words like trod and check are not used in a Standard English way .
8 During 1971 and 1972 he surveyed four oil refineries — two each in France and Britain — interviewing a total of over 800 workers .
9 There are two Mach 3 devices — the Mach355 which has 96 input-output pins and 96 macrocells and the Mach 365 which has 128 input-output pins and 128 macrocells .
10 The spleen-venting and copious invective contained herein , is in much the same vein as that which brought Public Enemy notoriety as self-styled rap terrorists .
11 JEFF KOONS 'S concept of art as a commodity is illustrated in his sculpture New Hoover Celebrity IV 1986 which features two vacuum cleaners seductively mounted on plexiglass and back-lit with fluorescent as if in a retail display .
12 yeah that shop 's highly delighted I love those wedding ones coming out that church
13 After catching on a short pole and rod and line I was quite happy with the venue but was still convinced I needed another practice session — time was running out and the only day available was the one after the Division 1 National .
14 There are two genera represented in the abyssal North Atlantic : Asteronyx Muller & Troschel , 1842 which has spine-like mouth papillae , skin covered disk and 8–9 arm spines ; and Astrodia Verrill , 1884 which has block-like mouth papillae , scales on the disk and only 3 arm spines .
15 The same applies to Handout 7 which has two case histories with questions related to contingent punishers .
16 In 1892 she became senior lady assistant commissioner to the royal commission on labour , investigating women 's work in Ireland , in the Black Country iron industry , and in London public houses .
17 Detection of cytoplasmic anti-neutrophil antibody in PSC , which , in contrast to that two stage procedure , uses a simple one step immuno-alkaline phosphatase method is now reported .
18 As such it means that vigilante heroes , no matter how good , are not the stuff of which Christians are made .
19 In 1991 it offered handsome tax incentives to encourage the creation of big trading companies that would do the job more efficiently than lots of little sellers .
20 In October 1522 he conveyed two freehold houses and 1 ½ virgates to a certain Thomas Hyll , but subsequently seems to have taken up residence at Hagley , for in October 1526 he was presented for operating a brothel in which his own daughter was the star attraction : prostitution , it has been suggested , was a concomitant of deferred marriage , widespread among the peasantry of the West Midlands .
21 three of them come out , now what happens if there are Right you fire this snooker ball into one uranium nucleus , it splits off and then three snooker balls come flying out and there 's more uranium about what 's gon na happen ?
22 Following on from that she shows American artist Sean Landers ( from 24 April ) .
23 ‘ With the advent of TV in the Fifties you got lots of kids ' badges , while in the Sixties they grew larger and more colourful , and in the Seventies you had weird punk badges . ’
24 Three long , lean gunships , the latest model of the Nebulance 40 GTF ( that is , each one carrying forty fusitron energy weapons ) .
26 That illustrates graphically the fact that in 1980 we had fewer pedestrian deaths than West Germany and now we have more .
27 Yeah , but it was only really , we had that we had those soul D Js that , that , that were blowing them that was the problem .
28 Actually her global role as described in the handout makes her sound like a sort of spy satellite , beeping her way round the globe peering over the shoulders of Random House New York , Random House Australia , and for all I know Random House Namibia .
29 The internationalisation of Arab banking was encouraged by the oil price rises of the 1970s which generated large petro-dollar surpluses for a number of Persian Gulf states .
30 There are two genera represented in the abyssal North Atlantic : Asteronyx Muller & Troschel , 1842 which has spine-like mouth papillae , skin covered disk and 8–9 arm spines ; and Astrodia Verrill , 1884 which has block-like mouth papillae , scales on the disk and only 3 arm spines .
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