Example sentences of "[adj] [pron] [verb] [prep] the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 My Lords , because I consider that the decision of the visitor was right I concur in the order proposed by your Lordships that this appeal should be dismissed .
2 It would be possible I suppose with the commitment of people for the local party to make on the committee .
3 Eleven I have at the back there . ’
4 And to be more explicit and to show you how tall I stand by the giant , I will put down a simile of human life as far as I now perceive it ; that is , to the point to which I say we both have arrived at .
5 Until I was eight I lived in the village of Feltwell in Norfolk where there was a joint RAF and USAF base .
6 Cos by then , they wo n't get to , they wo n't go to the crossing until about eight I suppose in the evening , it 'll be a night crossing wo n't it ?
7 After that I waited at the harbour until it was safe to go back to the beach without seeing the person I was dodging . ’
8 ‘ When I was 12 I won the one length freestyle , backstroke and breaststroke events at the local schools gala , but after that I concentrated on the backstroke most of the time . ’
9 I repeat that if one adds to that the £40 million from the foundation , the £20 million a year for football and the £1 million that I found for the champion coaching scheme , it is clear that our commitment to sport is greater than anyone 's .
10 Erm erm can I just say , just on the on the basis of Mr 's map erm I think that proves the point that er that I suggested at the outset of the discussion erm on this issue , that if you look at the distribution of settlements there outside the greenbelt , there 's nothing there that suggests that any of the particular sectors ought to be discounted .
11 All this I learn from the bus driver who chats to me as we wait for the traffic ahead to move .
12 When I was 12 I tunnelled into the side of the local canal and inserted a glass panel .
13 Jane 's have some I think by the look of things .
14 In 1985 I stood on the quayside , shivering in the cold drizzle , to watch Arthur Hutton plant the hedge , closely watched by his grandson Martin , who hopes one day to follow his grandfather in keeping up the custom .
15 So I did , just for a fortnight , but it was fourteen miles there in the morning , and fourteen back at night , and I 'm afraid I threw in the sponge !
16 There is a marked concentration in the region of Sagittarius ( the Archer ) , and it was this which led to the discovery that we are having a lop-sided view of the Galaxy because we are not in the middle of it .
17 It was this which led to the appeal being re-argued before the Appellate Committee of seven which now reports to the House .
18 It is probably this which accounts for the menu price rises .
19 by the depth of the top surface Carboniferous which increases towards the N.N.E. An example is given by the Arsten Z1 borehole near Bremen where the boundary Westphalian C/D lying at a depth of 6180 m reaches the boundary between the anthracite and meta-anthracite stages with a vitrinite reflectance of 3.5% Rm ( for the top surface Carboniferous a value of 2.8% Rm was extrapolated ) .
20 A supervision order will cease to have effect if certain steps are taken or orders made under s25(1) ( a ) or ( b ) of the Child Abduction and Custody Act 1985 which provide for the recognition and enforcement of foreign custody orders .
21 It is 2 which amounts to the ratio decidendi of the case .
22 Half a mile or so along the valley bottom , the path converged with another which led down the hill from the village .
23 The Volkskammer passed a law on July 22 which provided for the re-establishment of the five Länder abolished by the East German government after the war : Brandenburg , Mecklenburg-West Pomerania , Saxony , Saxony-Anhalt , and Thuringia .
24 After this she returned to the house hoping against hope that in the interval her daughter might have returned , but there was no sign of her .
25 Her favourite line was Bernhardt 's , and this she copied into the front of each of the eighteen notebooks , at least the five of them that I still have ; Oh well , I 'll just buy the theatre .
26 And with this she went into the scullery , Mick following her .
27 This she draped over the line , pinning it with a row of clothes pegs .
28 This she confined to the pocket in her overall .
29 Nevertheless , the party contained not a few who disapproved of the caution of the Labour leadership in retaining the electoral truce yet apparently obtaining so few significant concessions in respect of policy from the coalition government .
30 The incompetence of the king , and the arrogance and greed of the Despensers , had so alienated men from the court that none except the few who profited from the king 's favour would fight for him .
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