Example sentences of "[adj] [unc] [noun sg] [prep] the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 As a consequence the bid for Distillers was referred to the Monopolies and Mergers Commission because the combined Guinness/Distillers share of the whisky market was in excess of 35 per cent , which was considered to confer too much market-power on the combined company .
2 He became impatient , frustrated ; he kept seeing Ray Doyle 's pallid features , reflecting the internal battle for survival that his friend was waging ; he saw the sprawled corpse of Lin Foh , the gut shot Welshman , the wounded CI5 man in the basement .
3 This is to be used where there is a need to ensure all shareholders are agreed to the common nature of a sale and that they are prepared to meet our fees , ie acknowledges the CA 1985 s151 problem with the company paying other professional advisers ' fees .
4 could of chose a better one , erm having said that the second part there 's two parts , there 's this scene in the pub and then there 's this er scene on the cliff top and the second scene one 's a bit better
5 When you ca n't do something you know , you might actually kind of , your whole body kind of starts to , and that would be the ego as it were trying to express this , this er drive from the id .
6 Well , about , I do n't know how long ago but we were stuck under the table for some time and er eventually we could hear this whirring noise like , you know and er I , I was a bit more daring than me brothers and I sneaked out and went out to the backdoor , an and looked up and there I could see this er Zeppelin in the sky , you know !
7 I will have some chance I think , but er everybody is quite good at this er level of the competition , because we er only 30 top chefs er selected and 2,000 , which is quite good , I think .
8 Erm it is always been planned that the this er release of the flight control system will be phased through five steps and the capabilities at first flight are more or less what we had been planning er right from the outset .
9 Erm it has always been planned that the this er release of the flight control system , will be phased through five steps and the capabilities at first flight are more or less what we had been planning er right from the outset .
10 Colleagues on the fourteenth of June Trevor who indeed has addressed this er conference in the past will be eighty years of age .
11 I said , well just carry on and so he used this er workshop at the back .
12 And er a further er fly in the ointment , if one could put it that way , will be of course with the erm the local hospital whose site is just off this er the key plan provided , their decision from the first of next month to actually charge for spaces within their area , which of course will have a further effect of decanting even more cars into neighbouring streets and thus put pressure on some of the streets which hitherto have not benefited from ah residents ' parking so there will be further er obviously further requests from er from those residents of neighbouring streets .
13 Erm the two litre size now like I say once again we 're having erm problems with getting erm an economical er cost for the bottle of this so our price is actually slightly higher than the other market price .
14 Erm so erm th the cheapest er fuel at the moment is gas , you know , that 's , that 's why er a lot of the erm er er generators are now moving to towards gas er erm er generation er wh which is fine for as long as the gas exists but , you know , another , give it another ten fifteen years , and our North Sea gas will have gone you see so , so erm you have to ask well how much do you , weight do you put on market forces and how much in say , in the energy business , ought you to be thinking longer term ?
15 If help can be given from other er national funds because of the moral and compassionate er nature of the case , well that 's fine , and that maybe what some Health Authorities have been pressing .
16 THE Chinese Year of the Rooster starts on January 23 , but 1993 's Animal of the Year will be the wolf .
17 They clutched and wrestled , feeling their way to one another 's throat with the dagger or the naked hands .
18 Program start-up is rather annoyingly interrupted by a 15s delay at a screen showing Jandel Scientific 's reminder of the licence agreement , followed by a summary screen showing the program 's status in terms of memory use , maths coprocessor installation , estimated processing speed rating for the detected hardware , and various user-modifiable program settings .
19 Well er you could see the One erm wooden erm turner on the Winter there now .
20 And of course , as this erm part of the diagram shows , some stags have no reproductive success whatsoever .
21 This erm reaction to the disclosure I think 's exaggerated but on the other hand there 's something in it .
22 Worships if I may interrupt the the this erm dispute about the damage which was allegedly caused I have mentioned it to Miss this morning and she has undertaken to make further enquiries .
23 acceptable erm recognition of the reality of the the boundary of the green belt in the Greater York study area .
24 Since exonuclease III requires a free 3' hydroxyl for the initiation of digestion , these results support the idea that the DNA extremities are not efficiently protected by NCp7 .
25 Given the stance of policy approved Policy I eleven in relation to B eight development and the fact that we are here discussing an alteration not a review and replacement of the structure plan , does anyone around the table she said looking hard at Mr Saunders , see any difficulty in the panel poten potentially recommending a policy which would be in direct wi conflict with the policy which is not before it ?
26 If the subject is instructed to attend to one ear and ignore the sounds coming into the other ear , all the sounds in the attended ear will produce an enhanced N100 component in the ERP .
27 grateful to Mr for his very erm generous en endorsement of the work that the Board has done on health and healing .
28 Shame of the Killer oh no I do n't think we 'll do that er look through the Sun see if there 's anything interesting erm in there I 've got nothing in the Ewbank .
29 one or two on the island here who got a bit for the that er damage with the storm .
30 Er I will have explained er er I certainly would 've explained on the phone that er part of the contract requires them to give us a list of prospective advertisers .
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