Example sentences of "[adj] [modal v] [adv] [verb] [prep] a " in BNC.

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1 Some may indeed dream of a united Germany : few believe it is politic to speak or even think of such a thing .
2 This should ideally consist of a period in each of the different sections of a local authority legal department .
3 This should only happen as a last resort in exceptional circumstances and if it does , you should take legal advice as soon as possible .
4 There are no marks of modern tools on any part of the sculpture , which is carved from hard dolomitic Thasian marble , but this could again point to a very sophisticated forgery .
5 Your pet may be slow in responding , and this could easily result in a serious accident .
6 Anyone who doubts this need only glance at a profile of Peter Phillips , director of The Tallis Scholars , published in The New Yorker :
7 It had been necessary to handle the appointment rather delicately , as when the post was originally advertised it had been for a boys ' school , 600 strong ; with the anticipated changes this would soon develop into a co-educational establishment of up to 1,000 .
8 And this would surely happen within a short period .
9 This would simply result in a battle of wills and the sufferer will always " win " that battle .
10 This would certainly accord with a powerful strand of Keynesian opinion in Britain which , from the outset , had regarded the unearthing of the Phillips curve with great circumspection and which , despite the subsequent deluge of econometric studies of the relationship between unemployment , inflation , and inflationary expectations , remained unconvinced that there existed any precise relationship between the rate of increase in money wages and the pressure of aggregate demand .
11 You should look for the biggest gap between waves , this will probably occur on a gentle slope of the beach , as on a steep part of the beach the waves will break closer together .
12 The currently fashionable and oft repeated litany is that although the world air transport industry is presently going through a fundamental and painful period of change , this will ultimately lead to a new and improved deployment of resources , through the creation of far fewer but infinitely larger air carriers .
13 A scale like this will normally consist of a series of such statements tapping the same attitudinal dimension .
14 Where under section 95 , the statutory provisions are validly modified by a company resolution this will equally apply to a contravention of the modified provisions since ‘ sections 89 to 94 have effect accordingly . ’
15 As this will inevitably lead to a drop in prices , the group intends to defend its position by offering a product that can be sold in high volumes on a global scale .
16 Since our first tour , people will now talk to us first , and some will even stop for a chat .
17 This can easily lead to a straightforward identification of Germany with Europe .
18 The most usual category of finds needing conservation is metalwork , but this can often remain in a stable condition for several months ; on the other hand , finds such as those of wood or leather require immediate conservation on site as they are excavated .
19 This can only lead to a partial picture where lenders try to succeed within their own parameters , without all the facts on the likely borrower .
20 This can quickly turn into a game of bluff .
21 A circulation in excess of 10 will probably lead to a leak within the entity 's trade sector ; a circulation of less than 5 may not result in competitive bidding .
22 Some of these may formally belong to a religious group .
23 There are eight options on the colour pattern menu and , as with the shaping section , selecting any of these will usually lead to a sub menu .
24 It also shows how a combination of these can easily result in a local economic strategy which has clear political as well as economic goals .
25 These can only come in a planned economic system and will never come through the irrationalities of the market .
26 Many could successfully survive in a harsh environment , and their bodies enabled them to evolve into larger and more diverse creatures .
27 We are talking major league performance here , even in 1990 ; in 1965 nothing road legal would even look at a Cobra in a straight line .
28 However , the difference is that the powers of disposal in clause 4 will then stem from a Labour Government who have a strong commitment to expand collections rather than to freeze acquisition funds .
29 Weekend car travellers on the Belfast Stranraer route , which started on June 1 , 1992 can now travel on a special three day return fare .
30 The difficulty was in gauging just how much sugar should be added to yield the desired degree of mousse : too little would merely result in a vin pétillant ; too much would burst the bottle .
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