Example sentences of "[adj] [modal v] [verb] [pron] the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The people who have been studied will probably be interested in what is said about them , and this may affect what the researcher writes .
2 Many heiresses could give him dollars , few could offer him the appearance and manner of a lady — it was that which had attracted him after the cruder charms of such as Maybelle Foy .
3 My preferance would be to play either Strachan and Rocky together with Speed in the Batty role , this would give him the opportunity to go forward if required plus utilise his good ball winning skills or if i had to choose between the two I would pick Rocky providing he was fit .
4 This would give them the outline : the immortality of the soul , heaven and hell , the Trinity , the saving mission of Jesus Christ , his passion , resurrection , and ascension , his judgement of the world , the gospel .
5 This would give them the opportunity to explain why they think their company 's product is the best , and at the same time , you can decide which one offers the most appropriate product for you .
6 The intention of the environmentalists who had campaigned for the referendums was to make it necessary for parliament to pass new legislation , since this would give them the opportunity to press their demands for much stricter controls .
7 This would give her the opportunity to say something in time for the next morning 's American newspapers .
8 if you were a fairly radical cadre , if you erm really did believe in land reform etcetera this would , this would give you the go ahead to promote land reform .
9 Some lighting improvements will mean new wiring — but this would give you the chance to fit dimmer switches , security light switches and two-way switches , all of which make the lighting more flexible .
10 He could not wait to begin such a triumph , and prayed that the French would offer him the chance of glory before the arrival of any British reinforcements .
11 This will spare them the necessity of checking to find out why you did n't acknowledge the call .
12 Well hopefully all this will give you the address although it depends how far away it is. contact D S S to get the address .
13 This will give you the opportunity of smelling the oils first , and buying only those you like .
14 You will not want to leave the needles in holding position so you must learn how to return them , since this will give you the reverse of the shaping .
15 yes some will make it the earth , but then again some will vanish
16 Long narrow plots often adjoin older properties and this can give you the opportunity of working existing trees and shrubs into the new design .
17 and that 'll do you the world of good .
18 That 'll cost them the turn-out prize even if they win everything else .
19 If there were only a few , each could know what the others were doing and all would be aware of being watched .
20 and that 'd give you the number of men .
21 If the potential plaintiff has other dealings with the potential defendant , these may give him the opportunity to exercise rights of set-off .
22 I think that would give them the sanction
23 He would n't be expecting it , and that would give her the head start she needed .
24 three times three squared , plus four times three , minus five , that would give you the gradient , three .
25 I mean it you know that would give you the sort working in a team and working with people and erm
26 Sam and I can amuse ourselves on the Sunday , and that will give you the opportunity to take Anna to the Forest . ’
27 What you will have to do though , is work out the cost of the premiums , that will give you the practice with the rate books .
28 One allocation that would be both efficient and equitable in this sense would be an initial endowment at 1 where both A and B have the same X and Y. Since they face the same budget constraint , each can have what the other has so that any trades away from equal allocation to the contract curve must meet the reverse allocation test illustrated as part ( b ) of the figure .
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