Example sentences of "[adj] [be] [noun pl] [prep] [art] same " in BNC.

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1 Beneath this are bowls of the same shape and construction , but increasingly greater diameters .
2 Thirteen were in-patients on the same unit and two out-patients .
3 The risk with other-name information is obvious : a lender knowing that Mr Brown and Mr Robinson have dreadful debt records but that apparently Mr Smith at the same address does not , might suspect that all three are aliases for the same person , or at best members of the same disreputable household , and so may refuse Mr Smith credit — even if in real life all three are quite unconnected .
4 For example , in a sample of 725 copulating pairs of two species of cicada , which are distinguishable but similar in appearance to the human eye , only seven contained members of two species ; the other 718 were matings of the same species .
5 Bulletins in Zambian languages were identical in subject matter and from 1245 to 1335 were broadcast every day in Lunda , Luvale , Tonga , Bemba , Nyanja , Lozi and Kaonde in that order , all being translations of the same basic bulletin .
6 The Commons motion states that Mr Sainsbury and David Charles Jones are senior partners in the same Cardiff accounting practice and both are members of the same Masonic lodge of which the minister is Chief Steward .
7 The coincidence between the two representations of person ( in passing , both are representations of the same extra-linguistic entity ) is what calls for the use of the bare infinitive .
8 Furthermore , commitment of such central training resources to libraries often went hand-in-hand with commitment of library management time to training , presumably because to an extent both are aspects of the same overall policy of the parent authority towards training .
9 Both are aspects of the same process :
10 In consequence , the Royal Messiah and the Priest Messiah would have had to be as closely linked as possible — which they were in Maccabean times , for example , when both were members of the same family .
11 Both were nuns in the same religious order , one in the north of England , the other in France where she had been interned throughout the Occupation .
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