Example sentences of "[adj] [be] [verb] up in the " in BNC.

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1 Erm this is bound up in the group 's quality system manual , which will be distributed to you on Monday .
2 All the intelligent pain of the victims , all the dreams of the unlistened to , all the entreating eyes : all this is swept up in the fierce rhythm of the hospital .
3 Amounts of toxic gases in our cities have already reached unacceptable levels and this is showing up in the big increases in respiratory illnesses .
4 But the purpose of all this is summed up in the phrase : ‘ that we … might be for the praise of is glory ’ ( v 12 ) .
5 The Officers are about to do a new review , and a the moment all costs of erm residents ' parking is borne centrally , and we the Conservatives think that if erm there was a charge on permits to cover the cost it would give a change to other areas of the City , and the majority of people would be prepared erm to pay , and I think this is coming up in the Officer 's Review .
6 This was not designer stubble , this was getting up in the morning and not being bothered .
7 Shortly afterwards came the Chronica Gentis Scottorum of John of Fordun , again stressing the achievements of the Scots , and the villainy of Edward I. This was followed up in the early fifteenth century by the verse chronicle of Andrew of Wyntoun , prior of Lochleven .
8 Six was brought up in the family business but declining trade prompted him to retire early and devote himself to the wide range of interests typical of an eighteenth-century intellectual , although there is no evidence that he ever received any formal training .
9 Most of these were set up in the early 1970s , often from existing sites rather than de novo .
10 His feelings about the latter are summed up in the phrase ‘ God does not play dice . ’
11 Well I mean , they 'll all be packed up in the bars upstairs would n't they , and everything
12 And when it is burnt in large amounts , then the CO 2 that was taken up in the ancient world over a period of , say , a million years , may be released into the modern world in just a few years .
13 The last was set up in the seventies when apparently some defector had cast some doubt on Mills .
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