Example sentences of "[adj] [be] [verb] [prep] [art] [adj -er] " in BNC.

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1 Exceptions to this were found in the older family where the wife had always been active and continued to work into her 70's , and where a specialised product like cheese was being produced for farm gate sales .
2 There are hints that certain sets of dies were used to decorate pots made from specific fabrics , while some were retained for a later occasion and occur again on another fabric .
3 Although responders may be biased towards independent , articulate individuals in employment , unemployed people may have had more time to reply , and this is supported by a higher response rate among women , who had a lower employment rate .
4 This is followed by a slower phase of subsidence promoted by cooling of this mantle material as heat is conducted up to the surface .
5 This is seen as a better guide to a school 's and pupils ' performance , particularly where there is a wide difference in social and ethnic backgrounds .
6 The manufacturing labour force in developed countries is now in accelerating decline as productivity and the investment per worker increases , this is resulting in a further increase in service industries and an increase in unemployment .
7 At 11am the first proclamation is made under an ancient oak on the green ; this is repeated at a further four traditional places in the village .
8 This is illustrated in the earlier examples of arbitrage by Roy Hobbs and Scarlet O'Hara in Chapter 4 .
9 The human capital theory maintains that increased education raises the earning capacity of the individual and that this is reflected in the higher earnings of people with higher and further education .
10 This is aimed at the wider community and particularly at adults .
11 This is evidenced by the greater time and effort devoted to the selection of schools by the Coordinating Team , by the absence of the link person role for Minor Project schools , and by the scale of the development implied by the larger sums involved .
12 In architectural terms this is evidenced in the smaller , narrower windows , lack of intricate tracery or coloured glass , the almost total lack of development of the flying buttress system , the poverty of decoration in sculpture and carving .
13 The social worker may see these as lying in the desirability of continued pregnancy or otherwise ; in care of the child after birth ; in marriage , if this is contemplated for a later date , too early in life — or if no marriage is contemplated , in her later support and that of her child ; possibly in the girl 's continued promiscuity ; perhaps , if the girl is in the social worker 's care already , in matters of professional reputation .
14 A new one had been built in 1708 and this was replaced by a further wooden bridge in 1750 , which was , in turn , replaced in 1764 .
15 It was claimed that this was caused by the greater number of convictions , and the speed at which the increase took place , rather than from any perceptible changes in sentencing practice .
16 This was distanced from the earlier stress on Old Testament religious morality by its rationalism ; as in the story 's metaphor of electricity , wondrous yet calculable , which demonstrated the inexorable consequences of wrong-doing-disease , death and social degeneracy .
17 It was characterized by a determined display of party unity , although this was tempered with a greater degree of realism than had been apparent in 1988 .
18 There was another accident on Dec. 29 in which two more miners were killed , and this was followed by a further 24-hour strike on Jan. 2 , 1990 .
19 This was increased by a further NZ$3.049bn for non-cash costs , mostly unrealised losses on forex liabilities and depreciation ; and reduced by NZ$0.428bn in respect of net capital expenditures .
20 A result consistent with this was obtained with a further unrelated somatic cell hybrid , JF1-23B13 , which contains a t ( 10 ; 21 ) translocation chromosome with 10pter-p11.2 as its only portion of chromosome 10 ( 25 ) : JF1-23B13 is also positive for ZNF33 sequences ( Figure 4d ) .
21 This was matched by a further ambivalence in the relationship between the government and the livestock owners , supposed to be the ultimate beneficiaries of the project .
22 Shortly afterwards Toyota announced plans to establish an engine plant in Shotton , North Wales and this was seen as a further sign of confidence in the British economy .
23 This was confirmed by a further Soviet proposal in May 1987 .
24 An essential first step was to create a bedroom and this was formed from the larger part of the former WC block .
25 This was achieved with a higher erm educational higher education perform the industry in the year say and that was a major contributor and our Natural Sciences Division had its best ever sales .
26 Three Israeli soldiers were killed and six were wounded in a further bomb attack and gun battle near Aramta on Oct. 29 .
27 Also , although some of the demands which had been made in 1381 were echoed in the later risings , in none of them was there anything so clear-cut in the way of a social programme as the demands put forward at Mile End and Smithfield .
28 The second was taken at a later date , using a single source ( D. Thomson , Europe Since Napoleon , 1977 ) for its information .
29 These are balanced by the gentler hues of shrubby potentillas … and generous planting of white blooms .
30 These are valued at the lower of cost , including attributable overheads , and net realisable value .
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