Example sentences of "[adj] [be] [verb] [prep] [adj] time " in BNC.

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1 Of course , this does not mean that accommodation problems for the old are solved for all time .
2 If this is known in good time , it may be possible to fit the programme to the availability of staff or alternatively redeploy staff when the work is in progress .
3 Actually this was done in double-quick time but I can never forget the excitement and the terror of that night .
4 You know , it 's bad defending , but we looked a different side second half , and not much was said at half time .
5 Given this broad context , the purposes of this article are threefold : to outline some of the complexities of the payments situation in the period 1945–51 ; to discuss some of the military expenditure and foreign policy aspects of that situation , and how these were debated at this time ; and , finally , to examine one of the most politically problematic aspects of balance-of-payments policy in this period : its impact on the sterling area in general and the colonies in particular .
6 We had to pay er there was two lots of erm tyres , there was one set of buses were fitted with and another one with or I forget which it was there but I know those three were involved at some time or other and we used to record the mileage , send it off to them , showing what each bus ran during the month .
7 The historical texts were confined to enumerating the kings who lived in those troubled years and do not give any indication that something important was occurring at that time .
8 Roughly a third of the population are estimated to have suffered directly from the bombing : more than a quarter of homes in Germany were damaged in some way ; fourteen million persons lost some property through bombing ; between seventeen and twenty millions were deprived at some time of electricity , gas , or water ; nearly five millions had to evacuate because of ‘ air terror ’ ; 305,000 people were killed .
9 The implication may be that Laban is adopting Jacob as his son — particularly as no son of his own is mentioned at this time .
10 We should remember that very little was known at that time about the ways in which the ovaries influence distant organs .
11 We have not yet as a nation fully acknowledged the wrong that was done at that time , and we have not fully rejected it .
12 Well they would take in er er er they would er er and they would put hoe potatoes you see when that was coming on that time .
13 This was an intelligence test that was taken at that time by all children who wanted state education .
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