Example sentences of "[adj] [conj] when [pron] [verb] [adv prt] " in BNC.

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1 It drives around and the air that comes out of its exhaust is actually cleaner than when it comes in .
2 He was also afraid that when he turned up for the next practice , Amber and Jeopardy 's argument would be resolved , and he would no longer be required .
3 I 'm afraid that when I dropped out of sight it created a great deal of concern in the village .
4 He 's probably walked in and seen that and thought , I 'm not having this and when he sat down and thought about it , like we 've done
5 Reid , who lost winning positions on the final day in the Masters and the US PGA , was beaten 3 and 2 and when he bowed out on the 34th green he was nine under par for the day .
6 Are quite high but when you come down then you same size .
7 This proved rather funny because when we went round a sharp bend , the cupboard door flew open , the porta-potty rolled out like a cheap-thrills show , and on the next bend it rolled back in again and the door closed !
8 Very few people actually disappear without trace , and most people ( about 65% of the population of Great Britain , no less ) come out happier , and financially healthier than when they went in .
9 We both altered so much that when we went back to Middleton , Dave Fielding saw it in both of us , ’ she says .
10 He had a few drinks and fell asleep and when he woke up he was in bed and Beryl was lying beside him .
11 Well see he , he was quite tall and when he got out he was a bit scruffy looking , and his shirt was hanging out below his jacket .
12 They were in , aha , yeah , they were in bed , right , and this , look , in bed , listen to this , sound asleep it 's on the radio and news , they 're asleep in bed with two girls and the boys , the boy was in bed fast asleep and somebody come and touched him like that and when she woke up it was this , this the lad
13 I pointed to the fact that I was younger than when he took over .
14 It is only natural that when we get back to power this cynical measure from the Lord Chancellor will be abolished .
15 seventy five degrees I mean , and it was really cold and when we got back it was cold as well , it 's only the last four weeks that we 've been able to use the outdoor pools again
16 He was in any case eclipsed — they all were — by the presence of Dinah herself , strong and compelling as when she swept on to any stage .
17 part of her expected to find them laughing at his wild reaction beyond all sense and to return her to the blessed normal but when she looked around only Maggie stood in the room .
18 or NAAN , I do n't care , so long you include it at the end of your first appointments because at the end of the day all you 're doing is saving yourself a bit of time , and that 's the whole purpose of ANNA to make sure that when you go back on your second appointment , this guy is committed to do something .
19 ‘ I feel almost sure that when you come back , at harvest time , I 'll be able to promise to marry you .
20 I 'm sure that when I came out of the room I was staggering , and instinctively I pawed at my mouth .
21 Which means — since I did n't know about all that when we drew up the contract — there will be a surcharge . ’
22 ‘ Anyone who gets really used to something will know what I 'm talking about here , but my stuff is pretty noisy and when I came up with a way of getting rid of the noise , I really missed it !
23 he , he , he , he said hard , right , so he can fucking , he said I 'll , I 'll take these and the first man that comes up fucking bashes it and then James er John James gets them all and when he wakes up , just as he 's about to wake up John James thinks right and he fucking lays down on the ground and he wakes up and sees all these clowns all over the place
24 He realized his mistake too late and when he turned back to the entrance Sabrina was already there , blocking his escape .
25 Feeling years older than when she woke up this morning — and not just because she had acquired a new , sophisticated façade of hair and clothing during the day — Belinda plunged into the middle of the party crowd again .
26 He left the hospital weighing 110 lb , 30 less than when he came in .
27 And physically it was n't any worse than when I fell off my bike as a kid and was concussed for an hour or two .
28 Peter Niven , rider of Ambuscade , said : ‘ Richard ( Dunwoody ) kept shouting that the race was void and when we found out it was , we pulled up . ’
29 The car was so big that when she leaned back into her corner there might have been a cold room between them .
30 The system is called the Arva 8000 and when I get round to absorbing some technical literature on the subject I 'll bring you more news .
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