Example sentences of "[adj] [prep] the [adj] [noun sg] [that] " in BNC.

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1 It is difficult to believe that every time Tinbergen presented a model bill to a chick his activity coincided with a third , unobserved variable that was really signalling to the chick to start pecking ; that would however be possible for the natural observation that chicks peck when their parent arrives .
2 Nelson is emphatic about the frequent misconception that Berlioz is all bluster and little form , pointing out that a composer with roots in Gluck , Mozart , and to a certain extent Beethoven , would hardly take a disorganized approach to presenting his own musical ideas .
3 These remain unused for the entire time that the child is in nappies .
4 If we feel sorry for the dying cat that can not understand what is happening to it , we should remember that it has one enormous advantage over us : it has no fear of death , which is something we humans must all carry with us throughout our long lives .
5 Pauline , who always had back problems , felt so sorry for the little mare that she took her over from Jackie .
6 He fell silent , but his face was shadowed by the memory of a very personal anguish , and Maria could be grateful for the merciful ignorance that had carried her through those same six years in which he had been so haunted .
7 It was North who , by his own account , rushed into Reagan 's television room during the evacuation of American students from Grenada in 1983 , desperate that the students might forget ( on network television ) to be grateful for the American invasion that had freed them ; when the first student said ‘ Thank God for America ’ , Reagan hugged him , and told him he ought to have faith .
8 Central Council is most grateful for the generous support that has led to this successful outcome .
9 And secondly I am so sorry about the terrible thing that happened yesterday morning .
10 I was interested in all this for the simple reason that as something that takes your fancy passes you , you only get a glimpse .
11 Other authors have been more coy : " I have left the central concept of this paper , namely pragmatic context , in rather thorough vagueness , and this for the simple reason that I see no clear way to reduce the vagueness at the moment " ( Bar-Hillel , 1970:80 ) .
12 If I can pick up with motion three eight zero which refers to the privatation of sat statutory sick pay and statutory maternity pay the C E C would like reference back on this for the very basis that the point is they do still remain State benefits and those who qualify them , for them , are legally entitled to do so .
13 So that 's R Z , one Z two , that 's two R's together and then , what I calculate the side B , the square root of sixty minus thirty I , eh this about the hardest figure that I can do in complex numbers , the square root of sixteen , minus thirty I .
14 Right off the bat Dan agreed , detailing this as the one criticism that had come back from American TriAxis users .
15 I look to the right hon. Member for Sparkbrook when I say that I am not clear about the precise intention that lies behind the phrase in new clause 2 , which refers to ’ satisfactory access to advice and representation ’ — this is for applicants — ’ from advisers and representatives of their choice ’ .
16 Even the most comprehensive understanding of the ecology and of the prevailing modes of production will tell us very little that is sociologically interesting about the human society that is under observation .
17 Mr Hyslop said he had made it clear during the 1987 campaign that any political party was free to advertise .
18 I probably did n't help my cause by being so self-conscious about the whole exercise that I decided to station myself behind a bush .
19 Donna felt herself dozing and sat upright , shaking her head free of the crushing tiredness that threatened to envelope her .
20 So that 's what , that 's the way I 'm hoping that we can proceed , as I say , yes with your assistance and then if we can get through that business , then equally tomorrow morning , we 'll be doing a similar thing , we we 'll issue another revised programme which will er take in some of the outstanding stuff that 's fell off .
21 The entire cast were excited about the dress rehearsal of The Count of Luxembourg , even the blasé old orchestra catching some of the anticipatory delight that stemmed from the new production .
22 Given some of the appalling crud that gets sent to rss ( cf Denise ) , I could n't believe you were getting serious grief for it .
23 He was taller and heavier than Peter , and Sarella could see he was itching to release some of the terrible violence that clamoured within him .
24 Norwich have now replaced Nottingham Forest as a model of entertaining , educated football and good sportsmanship , and at last seem to be acquiring some of the defensive solidity that Forest had in their glory years .
25 Besides those I have mentioned others present included Mr and Mrs Panagiotis Lemos , she was one of the hardworking joint Chairmen of the evening with Baronne Jacques de Mandat-Grancey ; Lady Russell , who was the honorary Present ; her daughter Lady Boothby , who showed off some of the lovely jewellery that was auctioned ; Mrs Anastasios Nomikos , who was Vice President , the Countess of Lichfield , .
26 He suggested that I might give a dinner to the leading newspaper editors and proprietors , when he could make some statement calculated to neutralise some of the undoubted venom that was then directed at him .
27 Some of the same thinking that led Balcon to MGM persuaded Hitchcock , in 1939 , to sign a deal with David O. Selznick and emigrate to Hollywood .
28 One of the leaders of the Manchester bid team David Scott told I R N that he also shared the concerns of some of the Greek delegation that the choice of a U S venue reflected the influence of commercialism and big business in I O C decision making .
29 Doubtless , ultraviolet light has helped evolution to m – along by causing some of the genetic variation that natural selection must work upon .
30 This is just one of the dilemmas presented within the series which , according to producer Tony Dennis ‘ aims to capture some of the organised chaos that exists in hospitals . ’
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