Example sentences of "[adj] [prep] the [noun] to [noun] " in BNC.

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1 It is usually possible for the teacher to type in a list of words so that the game can be aimed at a specific child , providing additional experience of words that may be giving difficulty .
2 If the joint tenancy between the husband and wife has been severed , it will have been possible for the husband to mortgage his own share or settle it upon certain trusts .
3 Juliet told her mother briefly of what Miss Rose had told them , but said very little about the visit to Kate Maybury , or her own suspicions of her .
4 Several recent trials have shown that ventouse extraction in difficult labour is preferable for the mother to forceps. 12,000 women annually would be spared pain-killing injections , 10,000 would avoid pain and 5,000 would avoid severe tissue injury : from the British Journal of Obstetrics & Gynaecology 1990 .
5 The FT Government Securities index currently stands at 88.18 against a high for the year to date of 89.75 and a low of 85.11 ( see panel ) .
6 These were published in April 1985 as the Invitation to Promoters which asked for submissions by October of the same year .
7 Moreover , both the War Ministry and a growing number of officers were increasingly conscious and resentful of the damage to morale and efficiency caused by use of the army for internal ‘ policing ’ duties .
8 However , some of the improvements to functionality are of marginal importance to the average financial user .
9 But witnesses later said they saw employees beating at least some of the birds to death , while the report found that the shed , which could properly hold only three birds , had been packed with 72 .
10 There is an argument of increasing popularity with government and some of the advisers to government , that since comprehensive schools are widely seen to do worse for their pupils than selective schools in terms of examination results , and since so many people , if they can afford it , are removing their children from the maintained comprehensive sector to independent schools ( which are broadly speaking selective ) a way must be found for government to supply non-comprehensive schools , in the interests of the country as a whole .
11 It has not taken IBM Corp long to admit informally that its target of 25,000 job cuts this year is on the low side , and the company now says that it expects at least 6,000 jobs to be cut at its three main operations in the Hudson Valley in upstate New York , where previously it had forecast between 3,000 and 3,500 : IBM told Reuters that the job cuts , which will likely include layoffs , will come from the company 's mainframe business in Poughkeepsie and Kingston , where at least 2,000 jobs will be cut , up from the company 's previous expectations of between 600 to 800 , and it also sees bigger staff cuts at the East Fishkill chip facility , which now expects to lose about 4,000 workers , up from about 3,000 — IBM is phasing out semiconductor operations in East Fishkill , moving some of the work to Burlington , Vermont , some to Essonnes , France ; advanced semiconductor research and packaging remains in East Fishkill ; the company says that despite the increased cuts , it believes that the charges it took in the fourth quarter will still be sufficient .
12 One compromise under discussion was to unfreeze some of the £4 to £5bn of receipts from council house sales to allow town halls to spend more to boost the construction industry , and help get the economy moving .
13 One compromise under discussion was to unfreeze some of the £4 to £5bn of receipts from council house sales to allow town halls to spend more to boost the construction industry , and help get the economy moving .
14 Other case studies have illuminated in particular ways general theories about politics , and certainly some of the approaches to regionalism which we will be considering do this .
15 If you enjoy your Saturday snooze or a weekend round of golf , give some of the credit to Sir Robert Walpole .
16 The issuing house will underwrite the issue ( i.e. agree to buy up any unsold shares ) for a fee , and will generally pass on some of the risk to sub-underwriters , who are usually large institutional investors .
17 The anti-Hoxha demonstrations were put down by the police and troops with increasing force , and on Feb. 23 it was officially reported that two demonstrators and a policeman had been shot dead when a crowd reportedly tried to storm the Tirana military academy ( the opposition claimed up to 30 dead , and attributed some of the shooting to clashes between rival pro- and anti-reform factions within the army ) .
18 There is no thesis without an antithesis , and polemic called forth counter-polemic , and mockery , counter-mockery , in works by conservative academics , such as George Watson 's Modern Literary Thought , Helen Gardner 's In Defence of the Imagination , and some of the contributions to Reconstructing Literature , a collection of essays edited by Laurence Lerner .
19 The convoy originally had planned to split and take some of the aid to Gorazde , another government enclave , but after being blocked by a crater in a mined road to Gorazde , all trucks headed down the twisting , snow-covered route that UN officials feared was also mined and finally arrived in Zepa to a tumultuous welcome .
20 On X 's order and with Y 's tacit consent the defendants dispatched some of the barley to Kuwait .
21 You said you used to deliver some of the loaves to Mr 's other shops ?
22 These include lignin , which helps to give some of the strength to wood , and compounds such as alkaloids , which plants produce for purposes that are largely unknown , but which include the ability to repel insect pests .
23 However , because some aspects of United Kingdom law were somewhat vague and ill-defined ( for example , the meaning of fair-dealing ) it was decided to tighten up some of the exceptions to copyright infringement , the necessary changes to the 1988 Act being made by the Copyright ( Computer Programs ) Regulations 1992 .
24 Chewing on the fish-meat , Masklin wandered back to the control-room and offered some of the food to Angalo .
25 It has teamed up with Ungermann-Bass Inc to develop some of the interfaces to Emerald and says it is currently on the look-out for similar collaborations , which may take some of the financial strain from its development programmes .
26 Ironically , some of the aids to vision which can be helpful in assisting the pupil to see more clearly , and thus perform tasks more adroitly and effectively , may be rejected by the pupil because of a dislike of looking different .
27 Some of the opposition to liberalization may come from multinational companies used to low interest rates and to a protected local market .
28 I quote the following from that summary , but for the sake of brevity I omit some of the references to authority and the elaboration of point ( 3 ) and the whole of point ( 4 ) , which seem to me not to assist in the present case :
29 Those who deal with firearms are generally aware of the attendant risks , and the days when those involved in motoring and other forms of transport could make light of the risks to life have now long passed , as various air , sea , rail , and road disasters have occurred .
30 We have already seen a form of this in the accompaniment to Webern 's song in Op. 23 quoted above ( Example 134 ) .
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