Example sentences of "[adj] [prep] [adv] the [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 I was reminded of stories about some immigrant Irish who arrived in America in the aftermath of the Great Hunger , bereft of even the basic skills of domestic cookery .
2 To ensure viability of the organs , pH , PO 2 , and PCO 2 of both the arterial infusate and venous effluent were measured every hour throughout the experiments .
3 This means that the account given is rooted in the natural setting of what is being described , and is thus very different from both the formal interview and laboratory research , which involve creating an artificial situation in which the data is collected .
4 Additional criticisms , some from outside the radical perspective , have been made , but we deal with these in the next chapter where we put forward an alternative conceptual framework within which to consider the issues .
5 I have known rocks become oblivious to both the old type of scarecrow and its modern equivalent , the automatic banger .
6 There was , therefore , a special mentality about the small businessman , one quite distinct from that of either the working class or the manager of a large organisation , and one which corresponded with the ideology of a master race .
7 A subfamily of the Ophiacanthidae with a sack-like disk covered with thickened skin or thin scales which often carry spinelets or granules ; radial shields variable in shape , either rib-like with only the distal ends not covered by scales or short with most of the plate visible ; the jaws distinctly longer than broad ; one or sometimes as many as three large blunt apical papillae flanked on each side by three to many oral papillae ; in most genera the second oral tentacle pore arising superficially or nearly so and the associated tentacle scales often forming a continuous series with the oral papillae ; the oral tentacle scales often spine-like and larger than the oral papillae , except in Ophiolimna where the second oral tentacle pore is obscured by a large opercular distal oral papillae ; nearly all genera with well developed elongated adoral shields and a large oral shield ; the tentacle pores of the arm mostly large and often with small spine-like tentacle scales although some genera with smaller pores armed with well developed tentacle scales ; the arm spines relatively short usually only slightly longer than one arm segment .
8 Not content with just the interminable Benson and Hedges World Series Cup , the players also had to fit in the Benson and Hedges Challenge between the fourth and fifth Tests , a jamboree dreamed up to latch on to the sporting frenzy which the TV and marketing people had decreed would seize the nation when the America 's Cup yacht races were staged off Fremantle .
9 An initial mission by Gregorio Panzani in 1634 was followed by the arrival in 1636 of a fully accredited papal envoy , George Con , whose considerable charm and diplomatic skill did much to further the Catholic cause .
10 He is , indeed , entitled to be described as a great player , Britain 's nonpareil of the 1980s , who was eventually recognised as such by even the hardened doubters in Australia after his summer with Balmain in 1988 .
11 The changes in the village social structure described in this chapter have , of course , varied in their timing and extent from village to village , yet these developments have been widespread across virtually the entire countryside .
12 They remained unimpressed by either the measured words or the frown .
13 Unfortunately , the beginnings of utterances appear to be particularly unconstrained by either the acoustic material or the linguistic interpretation .
14 It 'd be better with just the yellow tent I think
15 This being said , and allowing for the fact that much which was viewed as sexually deviant a generation ago is now viewed tolerantly if not taken for granted , a few words may be said about some practices or groups of practices which are generally recognised as deviant from either the normal object , the normal aim or the normal focal issues of sexuality .
16 Then he slipped into a deep sleep , and all at once the warm feeling of happiness deserted him and his stomach heaved as he recognised the same old nightmare returning : the walk along the jetty , the cruel hands dragging him to the edge , the utter helplessness as they lowered him into the icy water , the wave that broke over his head — and at last , that terrible choking sensation .
17 The successful Cape to Cairo Expedition , in which Grace 's young brother Errol also took part , set out in 1925 , but the journey was a long one , and after that there were many arrangements to be wound up , so Herbert 's work in London was not complete until late the following year .
18 Among the younger men in our study the maximum relative risk for coronary heart disease was about 2.0 for both the periodontal index and the oral hygiene index .
19 This time they were overburdened with luggage which was far too heavy for even the lenient Gulf Air to overlook .
20 She watched as the boy ate ravenously , he was one of a large family and though his father was in regular employment at the copper works , he drank a great deal and kept his wife and children short of even the bare necessities of life .
21 There is , however , no evidence that any therapeutic intervention benefits patients with asymptomatic hypertrophic cardiomyopathy , let alone those with only the genetic trait or borderline asymmetric septal hypertrophy .
22 Rather , in these days when computers are capable of most things , and electronic safeguards have become commonplace in even the steadfastly-traditional confines of Wimbledon , the Jockey Club 's time would be better spent discussing innovations that would make the 1994 Grand National , and all its successors , worthy of the event .
23 Observational surveys by Tombaugh , Kowal and the Infrared Astronomical Satellite ( IRAS ) would almost certainly have revealed another Pluto or larger planet , but their failure to do so has not stopped many predictions from being made , including two more in just the past year .
24 In 1917 the British government set up a new department of overseas trade designed to bring commerce and foreign policy into more effective contact : its head was to be responsible to both the foreign secretary and the president of the board of trade .
25 This is not merely a function of the relative strengths of the HSV-1 IE-3 and VZV gene 62 promoters ( 39 ) but could be attributable to either the relative strengths of their activating domains ( unknown at present ) or alternatively multiple 140k interactions with the promoter may have an additive effect , enhancing the efficiency of activation .
26 The original Greek word had passed from meaning ‘ leisure ’ to the ‘ employment of leisure in disputation ’ and from that to both the institutional meaning and the more general description of a tendency .
27 USL , or rather OSF founder Siemens Nixdorf Informationssystemes AG , which did the port , is using OSF 's DCE 1.0.1 for both the early access code and the OEM kits scheduled to become generally available in January .
28 That boosted its price substantially but it could do things that no other printer was capable of so the added value made it well worth it .
29 Of course , there may be historic data available from outside the corporate group which can be used to help formulate the required yield for a new area that the group is entering , but suppose that this is not the situation .
30 At the time of issuance , the English sea waybill is available to only the pre-designated parties , the consignor , consignee , and a notify party .
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