Example sentences of "[adj] [prep] [art] [num] [noun pl] who " in BNC.

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1 12 of the 13 Colleges who responded to this question had 6 or more staff for this purpose , and most of the Polytechnics made similar returns .
2 Only 12 of the 268 men who became free through completing an apprenticeship or by purchase were born in York .
3 With the band too , being in mufti , one can pick out some of the five ladies who have recently joined the band .
4 Nor can Socrates ' association with some of the Thirty Tyrants who , with Spartan support , had launched a coup against the democracy five years earlier , have been decisive .
5 These , it appeared , were where the allegations had begun , and these , Mr M told the South Ronaldsay community , could only have come from some of the eight children who had been taken into care the previous November .
6 The Minister has said that his Department has contacted the local authorities , but when will the Government accept that the local authorities have the strategy and the enabling powers to make provision for housing , especially for the homeless and perhaps for some of the 40,000 personnel who will be leaving the armed forces in the near future ?
7 He did not accept written excuses , read out in court , by some of the 21 offenders who claimed they had not seen warning signs until it was too late .
8 I was the youngest of the three boys who decided to wade out to Black Rock .
9 He believes that up to 300 of the 2,000 priests who threatened to leave will actually do so .
10 Heads it 's Spring … a lovely display of Easter bonnets from just a few of the 25 children who took part in a magnificent parade at the Sally Ann Playgroup , Amery Street , Alton on Friday morning .
11 Each of the 12 speakers who accepted our invitation to be here has been told that they have seven minutes to address the conference .
12 Early indications suggested that there were members within each of the three parties who were opposed to the merger , although the numbers and level of commitment of such dissidents was unclear .
13 The protest was signed by among others , eight of the 10 deputies who had been named on March 22 as having been StB collaborators [ see p. 38107 ] , although not by Jan Kavan .
14 There are so many anomalies that of the 650 Members who make up this House of Commons , including Mr. Speaker himself , each one of us could present the Government with a list of the anomalies in the Bill the length of our arm .
15 Both major parties ' pre-election campaigns targeted recent immigrants , particularly those from the former Soviet Union , but tended to ignore some smaller ethnic groups , such as the 25,000 Ethiopians who were perceived as barely integrated into Israeli politics .
16 And it was the taller of the two boys who looked at the others before explaining , ‘ He 's got little legs . ’
17 Rape was not charged but there are dicta on the subject from six of the 13 judges who sat in the case .
18 Nineteen of the 31 authorities who spent over £3,000 ( see Table 11 ) actually spent £5,000 or more , and it should be noted that this group of 19 library authorities accounted for 55% of the money directly allocated to training by our sample , while employing just under a quarter of all staff .
19 Slowly , like a black storm cloud that builds up ominously on a distant horizon , the second of the two Men who had been feeding the eagles advanced on Woil .
20 There were twenty-four houses at Eton , each with about forty-five boys who were known as Oppidans and were distinct from the seventy Scholars who lived apart in College .
21 And have you seen the papers ? ’ asked the younger of the two men who ran the boarding house .
22 And at least 35 of the 146 Americans who died in the war were victims of US ‘ friendly fire . ’
23 Column 5 shows that the UFC 's method of applying a threshold to broad subject categories covering a range of departments is particularly hard on the 7 departments who were above the national average for their particular subject category but will receive nothing .
24 Dr Richard Broadhurst is doctor to all of the nine children who were removed .
25 There was a relationship between the amount of training undertaken and allocation of a staff member 's time , so that all of the 27 authorities who employed specifically named training officers engaged in a higher than average number of training programmes .
26 Of the 26 patients who received a suitable donor organ , 17 of the 20 patients who survived to hospital discharge lived more than 5 years and 14 of these were alive at a mean ( range ) of 69 ( 61–83 ) months after surgery .
27 Of the 1,533 men under 5ft 6ins , 118 of them suffered a heart attack compared with only 62 of the 1,533 men who were over 5ft 10ins .
28 Many of the 90 investors who trusted him with their savings were in court during his trial .
29 It 's the resting place of 4 of the 5 youngsters who died when a speeding car went out of control in Akers Way and hit them as they played at the side of the road .
30 In the fifteenth century London remained under merchant rule : all but 6 of the 88 men who were mayor during it were drawn from the 6 greatest companies , the mercers , grocers , drapers , fishmongers , goldsmiths and skinners .
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