Example sentences of "[adj] [prep] [art] [det] [noun sg] of " in BNC.

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1 According to government figures in the first nine months of 1991 the number of immigrants of German origin ( Aussiedler ) fell to 166,786 from 337,394 for the same period of 1990 , but the number of asylum-seekers rose from 143,826 to 169,785 .
2 This would require that for the same amount of light energy ( measured incident solar radiation has not varied by more than 0.5% since the beginning of the twentieth century ) more carbon is fixed per unit chlorophyll ( the quantum yield has changed ) .
3 Danish pig prices were stable during the latter half of June , at just under 102p/kg , but started dropping about 1p/kg a week from the beginning of July .
4 While there are also a number of texts that claim to be fabliaux but which are not now considered to belong to the genre , the common characteristics of the type ( described below ) are sufficiently clear for the same number of texts again to be identified with and added to the self-proclaimed fabliaux .
5 I do n't see any problem with this as a former chairman of planning , and I do n't think any other one would .
6 So they have some of the same kind of problems that we have , but in a rather different form .
7 PAHs are some of the same group of cancer-causing substances that are found in cigarette smoke , oil and vehicle exhaust fumes .
8 The speed reductions would be achieved , by applying at critical points in the network , some of the same sort of Verkehrsberuhigung measures as those which were at that time being installed in the new rest and play areas .
9 It is also assumed that all complex carbohydrate malabsorbed are converted to H 2 with the same degree of rapidity as is the case with lactulose .
10 Before last Tuesday Darlington 1 were only five points clear on the same number of games and could not afford to lose a match .
11 Gould 's accounts imply that he spent much of the latter part of his expedition , because of a shortage of water , doubling backwards and forwards from the Mount Lofty range to the Murray Scrubs ( later known as the Mallee ) , where most of the interesting birds were to be found :
12 Much of the same reversal of priorities applies to the third question , ideas in literature .
13 No , I 've had 2 other books published er previously by the same publishers , er one was in Berkshire , one was in Hampshire , very much along the same sort of lines , er I think the longest walk I did probably would be about sort of 7 or 8 miles with those , er just as , you know , er the walks in , in , in this particular book are no more than 7 or 8 miles .
14 If you think you will get bored with the same kind of exercise , experiment with different types .
15 After the attempted coup in July-August [ see pp. 37606-07 ] , concerns over security were paramount in the latter part of 1990 .
16 In this sense he assumes that government policy is subject to the same degree of stickiness as prices .
17 There are all kinds of different questions we can ask about the life habits of these trilobites , which are not subject to the same kind of careful scrutiny .
18 It seems that those who try to live according to the official theory of schooling are subject to the same range of ritual abuse as the fans of another club .
19 In view of the interviewer 's role in the discourse , it is not clear how far or how reliably such an extended interview really does resemble spontaneous conversation ; but Labov 's schema is likely to be less demanding of the fieldworker , more economical of time and resources , and so not subject to the same range of disadvantages as the participant observation methods of the Belfast community studies .
20 Horton Hospital , located in Epsom , and together with Banstead one of a ring of mental hospitals in the vicinity known as the ‘ Epsom cluster ’ , was subject to the same process of decline and was also in an impossible location to offer community care .
21 To the left , and two doors along to the right , are two structures which have survived from the time of this picture to the present — apart , that is from Inigo Jones 's Banqueting House just visible on the same side of the street in a haze of sunlight .
22 The anthropologists saw the rural smallholder as the bearer of tradition and wedded to the same way of life as the generations before him .
23 Good so that 's the first thing you 've got to do , get these into the same sort of units this is a sort of variation where we had grams and kilograms and things .
24 Despite repeated attacks on Quentovic in the 830s and 840s , for instance , the output of the Quentovic mint , meagre in those decades ( but also in the 820s ) , became large in the latter half of Charles 's reign ; in 858 , the monks of St-Wandrille fled for safety to Quentovic .
25 There were only eight private acts for enclosure in the whole of England before 1714 , eighteen under George I ( 1714–27 ) , and 229 under George II ( 1727–60 ) , most of these in the latter part of his reign .
26 A stream of long , earnest and often hopelessly bureaucratic ideas flowed into the system , all with the same object of getting some cash .
27 Those with a surplus gave to the English poor with the same mixture of motives with which donations are now made to Oxfam .
28 Ironically , the first three months of 1992 were the wettest in the this part of the country for many years , so that even the flowers in the desert , just a few miles inland , burst into bloom .
29 Rommel arrived at Alamein , the Russians drove the Germans out of Russia , English and American troops landed on the continent , whole German cities were razed to the ground in one night : I heard it all from the same patch of sand , four hundred yards long by a hundred wide in the middle of a Silesian Pine forest .
30 Suppose that I am supplied with a sequence of electrons which have been prepared in such a way that they are all in the same state of motion .
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