Example sentences of "[adj] [prep] [verb] [art] [noun pl] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 It does show that people are interested in serving the railways and serving the customers . ’
2 I have always been interested in testing the limits and assumptions of structural rules or engineering codes .
3 I hope for your sake that those who provide them for you are as careful in following the rules as you should be when creating your own .
4 In doing so they appear to have been guilty of idealizing the origins and early development of an institution which was in later times vastly important but which was , at least in this particular respect , rather less than ideal .
5 Rosie , opening the mail , a task she no longer enjoyed , said it was impossible for Tavett to be guilty of sending the knives because he had been as upset as she was when one fell on his desk .
6 The focus on the addresser , for instance a speaker or an author , constitutes the emotive function , that of expressing the addresser 's attitudes or feelings ; the focus on the addressee or receiver , the conative function , that of influencing the feelings or attitudes of the addressee ; the focus on the context , the real , external situation in which the message occurs , the referential function ; the focus on the code , as when a message elucidates a point of grammar , the metalingual function ; the focus on the means of contact , as in the case , say , of expressions inserted by one party into a telephone conversation simply in order to reassure the other party that they are both still on the line , the phatic function ; the focus on the message itself , the poetic function .
7 The third and final stage that you have to go through before you can even begin to decide what electronic publishing system ( or systems ) will be suitable is that of discovering the skills that your staff possess .
8 All would be lost if the same man , or the same body of chief citizens , or the nobility , or the people , exercised these three powers , that of making laws , that of executing public decisions , and that of judging the crimes or the disputes of private persons .
9 It also includes the skills of using books , such as using the contents and the index to track down the topics required .
10 By setting up the Secret Committee Alexander acted in the style of his father ; by ordering Nazimov to delve more deeply into the views of the north-westerners he showed sympathy for a landless concept of emancipation which belonged to the reign of Alexander I. The regime seemed to be moving in the direction not so much of freeing the serfs as of turning a blind eye to them ( by consigning their future to yet another assembly of antediluvian officials ) or making their condition worse ( by opting for a form of emancipation which would blight their future ) .
11 The Male Genitalia present a wide range of variation and are particularly valuable for separating the genera and species of many groups of insects .
12 With fewer tourists around , you get a real taste of Italian life — and the weather is far more comfortable for visiting the sights or shopping .
13 Nor is it being suggested that students become embryonic philosophers or sociologists , adroit in handling the concepts and techniques of those disciplines .
14 Editor , — The guidelines of the joint working party of the Hospital Infection Society and the Surgical Infection Study Group are valuable in detailing the precautions that surgical staff should take to prevent transmission of hepatitis B and C viruses and HIV .
15 This may not be very accurate as a depiction of what actually happened , but it is extremely valuable in showing the myths and popular interpretations that have grown up afterwards .
16 However , V-tools are very useful for creating the ins and out of a body .
17 A single man might be useful for attacking the marauders that Winnie feared , but then he might expect his washing and ironing to be done , and his socks darned , and Winnie was beginning to feel rather too old for such mothering .
18 so I was n't er but sure about taking the students whether put it in , but they 're only sending me four I think two for a month
19 The Glens need to beat Larne at Inver Park to be sure of reaching the quarter-finals and manager Robert Strain is looking to make a few alterations in his line-up .
20 With a superior nod to the crowd they cantered off , confident of overhauling the tumblers and clowns within the hour .
21 So when I said to Bob this morning was it Bob , I said do n't I do n't have a magic wand that 's gon na get rid of them but what I hope I 'm gon na give you over these two days is a system whereby you can use that and can support you so you 're able to effectively present despite having the nerves and be able to put over your point of view effectively , yeah ?
22 He was also involved with arranging the beacons and ordered wood and pitch to be available for the beacon watch .
23 The ROK army had proved effective in assailing the infiltrators and guerrilla strength on 12 April 1950 was put at about 577 .
24 It is important to select individuals who can be selective in identifying the areas that warrant their attention and who then persevere until satisfied .
25 ‘ And are you involved in entertaining the guests as well ? ’
26 As a result , CPRW 's branches are actively involved in influencing the objectives and performance of the County and District planning system , and regularly express their views on the orientation of plans or the merits of individual applications .
27 The department is also centrally involved in selecting the chairpersons and boards of the UDCs .
28 Sir John was deeply involved in reforming the conditions and prospects of the island 's large convict population , and greatly interested in exploring the land and its resources .
29 But the labour involved in studying the objects and producing the data , be it weighing , chemical analysis or whatever , means that the scope of investigations has to be limited in some way .
30 This will terminate the PPR in faecal egg counts prior to moving the ewes and lambs to a safe pasture .
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