Example sentences of "[adj] [prep] [verb] [pron] [prep] a " in BNC.

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1 I think you 're all being a bit heavy with all of this as treating her like a George Eliot heroine .
2 By the frequency of his visits he came to know most of the artists and was fond of addressing them in a loud voice by their first names as they came out of the studio .
3 God is not as interested in getting us through a conflict as he is in how we respond to it .
4 ‘ I was wondering , ’ Brassard confided-to his wine glass , ‘ whether you 'd be interested in joining me in a new agency .
5 The activities of a fan become intelligible if we can interpret them as being instrumental in establishing him in a particular role , or if such activities can be shown to be acceptable demonstrations of character and worth among his peers .
6 When you show disapproval to a dog , reinforce this by ignoring him for a time .
7 They do this by adopting something like a structuralist understanding of signification systems , treating them as changing structures of oppositions and differences , where obvious meanings are always shadowed by the meanings they exclude .
8 Even if this were true , he is still guilty of bringing her to a state of desire that he can not rightfully satisfy .
9 Christ 's example is not that of helping us across a road , or showing us what good neighbours we must be — but costly , redemptive , self-emptying love ; love which lays down its life for others so that they might be restored to God .
10 A Devil , mischievous , destructive but lovable , appears and contrives by various ruses , such as that of disguising himself as a beautiful girl , to amuse himself in causing havoc and death among the soldiers and finally , by playing furiously upon his violin , to force the villagers to dance to death .
11 ( 3 ) Although some of the sung texts could be interpreted in a serious way , the dramatic situation is such as to cast them in a comic , or even burlesque , light .
12 I get bored with watching them after a bit , so I go in the shop and have a look at their books .
13 It is closely associated with Kant 's assertion that there are ways of treating a man which are inconsistent with recognising him as a full member of the community so that such treatment is profoundly unjust .
14 From there they were accustomed to having something like a bird's-eye view , seeing their husbands and the other male members of their families not as the tall figures they were familiar with and on whom they relied but as the busy little children they often privately felt them to be .
15 Numeric quantities can be printed left justified by preceding them with a semi-colon .
16 When the hole is fully stocked , the Ammophila seals it with a plug of sand made firm and smooth by hammering it with a grain of gravel held in her jaws .
17 Chlorine is relatively easy to measure I 'm sure you 'll all of done it at A level chemistry titration , silver nitrate ?
18 you 'd be better of posting it at a post box when you go cos they pick them up .
19 They must survive the heat and other stresses involved in putting them into a warhead that can disperse them in a fine mist over enemy positions .
20 Some of it you know just to ignore , but if it is from someone who knows what he is on about , then it can be helpful in making you into a better player .
21 If you feel very inhibited by the artificiality of the situation you will give a very inaccurate impression of the sort of person you really are , perhaps even overcompensating for nerves by being too gregarious and obvious and making it clear that you are not good at handling yourself in a social situation .
22 When we know how someone 's filter functions we are more effective at loving them in a way that they will perceive as love .
23 In 1952 she wed film director Roger Vadim , the man responsible for turning her into a screen star , but that soon turned sour .
24 In 1868 and 1879 the two ‘ Torrens Acts ’ made the owner of a house responsible for keeping it in a habitable condition , and gave powers of compulsion to the local authority .
25 I 'm quite weary of doing it with a , with a full set and everything it 's , it 's , it 's , awfully tiring for taking the system
26 ‘ Ten per cent of all plants are capable of leaving you with a red itchy rash or skin swelling , ’ adds Steven Wright .
27 They are not capable of organizing themselves in a directional , creative manner .
28 The latter offer yet another way of affecting the output power of the S120 ; the amount of variation available means that the amp is capable of offering anything from a humble 8 watts per channel to a fairly mighty 60 watts per side .
29 After an algorithm has been selected , it is wise to ensure that it will be successful before using it in a program .
30 Highly successful in commending himself to a variety of audiences and communicating his project with the Dhalit people .
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