Example sentences of "[adj] [prep] [noun] [conj] a [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 It was not too deep or strong for horses but a tree had been felled across it for foot-passengers .
2 And really the doctors have known that for years because a lot of cancer patients they put on er
3 As a result , at the back of people 's minds there is frequently the notion nowadays that since ‘ we ’ are now net importers of manufactured goods , ‘ we ’ are not able to compete successfully in the international market for manufactured goods , so the country must be impoverished and only able to avoid facing up to this through luck or a trick .
4 In 1982 Holmes à Court captured Lew Grade 's ACC organization , which owned half of ATV and a variety of film , cinema , theatre and music interests .
5 like you have to redo some of tiles but a lot of them .
6 A great honey-baked ham crusted with cloves sat on a pewter serving dish on a side table , along with a roasted green goose , a pig 's face , boiled tongue , a dish of oyster sauce , another of cheesecake and a tower of damson cheese .
7 I do not mean by this that I expect managers to cry , or to clasp one another like footballers after a goal has been won .
8 There 's not that much wrong with Hereford that a win would n't put right .
9 ‘ Connie 's brother , ’ said Camille , ‘ has got kennels down Hackney dog track , a house twice the size of this in Chigwell and a villa in Spain , and he knows people in Walthamstow who sent all their sons to public school , so they got educated . ’
10 If this happened you have the right to contest this in court and a court may decide to give you back parental rights .
11 The provision in section 44(4) has been criticized on the ground that it is wrong in principle that a person should be found guilty of an offence which the jury find that he did not commit .
12 I think it 's a bit desolate in places and a bit ram shackled , shanty fashion and , once you get outside the town .
13 Some in disbelief that a car so beautiful , so fast and so downright delicious could cost as little as £27,000 .
14 Discovered by accident behind partitioning this magnificent interior has been restored and re-erected a tile at a time and now must surely be one of the most exciting in Paris and a monument to the glory of La Belle Epoque .
15 If hysterectomy does change bowel function it seems likely from our data that the primary problem is in the act of defecation rather than in colonic function , as there was little or no change in stool form yet half the subjects felt they were prone to constipation and a quarter strained with every recorded defecation .
16 Heel of the palm : Fast and less prone to injury than a punch .
17 Soon after 1600 on Sunday 6 October 1990 a dramatic change in weather conditions led to hurricane-force northerly winds along the east coast of Scotland , and it soon became clear to Coastguards that a number of divers had been caught at sea .
18 A man and woman who freely and willingly engage in anal intercourse are thus as guilty of buggery as a man who perpetrates a violent anal attack .
19 It may mean providing services , such as education or a health service , which are available to all , or the home help service , which is available to those judged to be most in need of it .
20 First , the figures used are based on accruals accounting concepts and include noncash items such as depreciation and a provision for bad debts .
21 The somewhat revolutionary character of the true Aquarian is showing through this month and you 're definitely on the lookout for subversive activities , such as home-wrecking or a protest howl-in .
22 Rationalization is particularly important with any design decision , such as assembly or a clash with other parts , which can only be performed by reviewing the total file visually .
23 The first level — the gift relationship — is characterised by an inequality in the relationship such as sponsorship where a firm offers an institution something with no direct or equivalent return .
24 If you decide to keep your name and address records in Ami Pro ( an attractive option if you do not already have them in a database such as dBase or a spreadsheet such as 1-2-3 ) then it provides an easy to use record keeping system .
25 The two main variants of this approach are , first , that the requirement of consideration restricts voluntary obligations to those created by an agreement establishing an exchange relation because such agreements are in all probability moments of careful deliberation ; and secondly , consideration functions like a formality , such as notorization or a seal , in order to ensure the seriousness of the promise .
26 Some parents ' reaction to the diagnosis is nullified by the additional diagnosis of some life-threatening physical condition such as meningitis or a heart defect , which to them is more distressing .
27 No matter how you achieve it you need expanded memory for a spreadsheet such as SuperCalc or a DOS version of Lotus .
28 One woman explained that before she was married , she would be sent into the capital city " to look for domestic work when the harvest had been poor or some additional expense , such as medicine or a funeral , had to be covered .
29 With the help of good rigging aids such as trestles and a stand for the fuselage , it is often just possible to rig with two people .
30 This is adopted as a measure of output in industries such as advertising and a range of personal services , and it is also used as a proxy for output in the public sector , with services such as education , defence , the fire service and public administration .
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