Example sentences of "[adj] [adj] [noun sg] of the [num ord] " in BNC.

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1 Is n't it , perhaps , a notable historical coincidence that the greatest European novelist of the nineteenth century should be introduced at the Pyramids to one of the twentieth century 's most notorious fictional characters ?
2 Probably the greatest scientific panjandrum of the 19th century , Thomson had a long association with transoceanic cables .
3 Disney 's contribution to the built environment has superimposed North American regional vernacular architecture of the 19th and early 20th century on the Ile de France : a Pacific North West national park lodge , a South West pueblo , a Far West cowboy town , an East Coast seaside club , a South East Victorian resort , and a piece of 1930s Manhattan — albeit somewhat distorted , as if seen through the lens of a Hollywood movie camera .
4 The older areas of irrigation were extended and intensified by the Imperial Canal ; begun under Charles V , its completion was the greatest public work of the eighteenth century .
5 Early in 1938 several Trotskyist groups came together in an attempt to form a unified British section of the Fourth International .
6 I 'm interested in the romantic novel , and erm in the way in which certain kinds of English fiction affect American models in this period , which continues in a way my interest in popular fiction , because the American fiction really takes as its model in the late eighteenth century , the early nineteenth century , not in fact so much the mainstream British fiction of the eighteenth century , we think of Defoe or Fielding or Richardson or Smollett , these do n't provide very suitable models for American writers during that period because they 're all models based on the assumption of a fixed kind of society .
7 The greatest German composer of the seventeenth century , Heinrich Schutz , studied in Venice with Giovanni Gabrieli , composed Italian madrigals there , and returned twenty years later to sit at the feet of Monteverdi .
8 REGARDED as the greatest German architect of the 19th century , Karl Friedrich Schinkel could , in the spirit of the age , turn his hand to most things from a design in spiky Gothic to the boldly neo-classical of the Greek revival .
9 For the single greatest cultural movement of the twentieth century is the rise and global hegemony of black music .
10 Owen was the outstanding English poet of the First World War and I think that his poems will grow to be even more famous and appreciated .
11 Other objections to the theory reflect the old libertarian argument of the 16th century , namely , that any control of the media , however benevolent , might be censorious .
12 From 11 November at the Israel Museum for three months is ‘ British Figurative Painting of the Twentieth Century ’ , an exhibition sponsored by the British Council of eighty works chosen by art historian and critic James Hyman in collaboration with Henry Meyric Hughes of the British Arts Council and the London-based art historian and collector David Landau .
13 It says much for the resilience of the club , however , that for most of this period a healthy League position was held ( lowest finishing place was fourteenth in 1966 ) and Chapman would be proud to know that , nearly fifty years after his death , Arsenal are the longest surviving member of the First Division .
14 Another interesting development of the last year or two has been the introduction of courses in art and design , leading to the CNAA BA , by a few of the former colleges of education with large art , design and craft resources , which are now part of colleges of higher education .
15 In it he argued that " mass democracy " , as opposed to the old liberal democracy of the nineteenth century , was what the age needed , but it had not yet been created .
16 Some historians regard the English Civil War of the seventeenth century as a crucial transition period where an emerging bourgeoisie removed old political barriers to its development — it was a ‘ bourgeois revolution ’ .
17 At first I thought that Anthony Trollope , though an amusing writer , was another male author of the nineteenth century who assumed that women could not exist without a man somewhere in the vicinity .
18 It is within this context that we have to come to terms with the Christian view of judgment which is arguably the most unfashionable Biblical doctrine of the twentieth century .
19 It will be curious if the second industrial revolution , through the wide spread of its amenities of life to almost every home in the country , succeeds in destroying this unfortunate product of the first .
20 The number one growth area in sociology at the beginning of this closing decade of the twentieth century — in the USA , in Britain , in Germany , and surely elsewhere too — is the sociology of culture .
21 Before we do that we must see what we can glimpse of what seems to have been another major achievement of the seventh century , the revival of the art of painting .
22 Religion , above all things , should be utterly free from any suspicion of such shame , but few are in this latter end of the twentieth century .
23 I look forward to all of us joining in this great challenge of the next decade . ’
24 What is the social marginal benefit of the last unit to the group as a whole ?
25 When firms have monopoly power , price and social marginal benefit of the last output unit exceed the private and social marginal cost of producing that last output unit .
26 In many ways Pétain appears as the odd-man-out in the French military hierarchy of the First War .
27 But a withdrawal , however fighting , was not in keeping with French military indoctrination of the First War ; it was also not in keeping with the character of de Castelnau .
28 It marked the end of the long process of transformations — starting with the seething leaves of the plant , then the reeking green stage of the first steepings , and the sulphurous yellow stage of the liquor before it was exposed to the air , then binding with the air , it gradually turned to blue .
29 For one school of modern historians this programme ( to which it attributes transcendent importance in the development of Carlism ) represents a reversion to a traditional monarchy ruling with the historic Cortes and subject to God and the law , a via media between imported liberalism and the equally foreign ministerial despotism of the eighteenth century , a truly Spanish solution of the political problem of modern Spain . ’
30 After two years of grinding work they produced a small profit , which was to herald a creation of wealth unsurpassed in the British chemical industry of the nineteenth century .
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