Example sentences of "[adj] [adj] [noun] [vb past] [been] [v-ing] " in BNC.

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1 Previously , the most radical members of the Moldavian Popular Front had been advocating independence from the Soviet Union , but none had wanted to rejoin Romania while it was under the oppressive rule of the Ceausescus .
2 ‘ Mr Gould was worn out by our reverses , regretted the loss of time , and this very afternoon had been declaring with many apologies that he must go back in the Vansittart .
3 This particular firm had been causing fish mortalities in the stream — about half a dozen fish mortalities in the sixties .
4 It was an accident everyone at the marine conservation society had been dreading .
5 The Castle was built as an ‘ eye catcher ’ , to be glimpsed from the library window of Sledmere , as though some forgotten castle had been crumbling in its wood for centuries .
6 The ruling Liberal Democratic Party had been looking for an excuse to reward its friends in the building industry for their financial support .
7 The ethnic Albanian ministers had been tendering their resignations one by one since late March [ ibid. ] , and in passing a vote of confidence in the Kosovo government the provincial Assembly was apparently acting to prevent the government being left in the hands solely of its ethnic Serb members .
8 It was announced on April 18 that the Federal Collective Presidency had agreed to lift the " special measures " in the autonomous province of Kosovo , a part of the Serbian republic , where disturbances involving the ethnic Albanian majority had been continuing for more than a year .
9 It was as if a sick national organism had been waiting for the right , suitably appalling , symptom to erupt into general protest at its fate .
10 At 07.30 , the Allied artillery , which for the previous 65 minutes had been firing at its greatest intensity , lifted .
11 For some years the three-cornered parish with its three Mass centres had been looking to provide a parish centre with meeting and function rooms and to locate the priests ' house onsite .
12 It was certainly a surprise to Watney 's , which for the previous four months had been planning its own takeover bid for Truman 's , so that it could close the high-cost Mann 's site .
13 What he had not bargained for was the fact that these two Gardai had been listening to well-articulated feminist rhetoric all afternoon and were still reeling from the effects .
14 Three local anglers had been watching the pantomime with great enjoyment , and I have yet to live it down .
15 — If he got the answers he expected , that Rhoda had kept William Egan 's money in some hiding place and that Roxie had been looking after her brother 's moneybags , and that all three women had been spending what they were supposed to be hoarding , then he knew what was causing the atmosphere he had picked up at Roxie 's house .
16 All these trees had been growing on peat do you see , and the peat was dry .
17 But if the then Prime Minister had been governing by decree based on policies formed by her own beliefs , credit might have been easy .
18 Some 1,500 high-school students had been protesting against the reintroduction of mid-term examinations and had also called for increased government spending on education .
19 The book was , apparently , the kind of tale for which all young people had been waiting and its heavy sales in the United States had amazed him ; the first hardcover edition had sold fast enough to surprise even his capable publisher .
20 Yet beneath the surface many other things had been happening too .
21 It was only on the second and third day after the tragedy that the family slowly began to realise how many other people had been sitting around in shocked disbelief at the news .
22 Census data , for instance , made clear that an increasing proportion of the more numerous national groups had been choosing to live in their ‘ own ’ union republic , with the greatest increases in Central Asia , the Baltic and Armenia ( Russians , by contrast , had become more dispersed throughout the USSR ) .
23 Murray said one particular employee had been going about the depot under the influence of drugs .
24 But , frustratingly , that vital spark had been missing .
25 The fact that evidence and documents relating to the case had either disappeared or been tampered with and that witnesses had been threatened led members of a US Congressional investigative task force to conclude that the military high command had been controlling the investigation and limiting the number and rank of the officers to be held responsible for the crime .
26 Local party officials admit it 's embarrassing — Conservative Central Office had been expecting a contribution of more than eight thousand pounds .
27 Local party officials admit it 's embarrassing — Conservative Central Office had been expecting a contribution of more than eight thousand pounds .
28 In later life , Jaq understood that this particular Black Ship had been carrying a higher percentage of individualists hailing from less longstandingly pious worlds , than most such shipments .
29 Even though Rome was giving little in return in terms of moderating its claims to be the only true Christian church , faint liberal breezes had been blowing through the Vatican since the second Vatican Council .
30 The reaction function g(U) then merely becomes a formalization of what Pigou and other classical writers had been saying all along , namely , that downward revisions of the money wage rate would eradicate the phenomenon of general unemployment .
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