Example sentences of "[adj] [verb] its [noun sg] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 Apart for the graphics processor , the boxes also sport NEC 's ImageVideo , a local video bus that runs at the processor 's external clock speed — this made its debut with the company 's Powermate Series .
2 Most of this made its way to the government , so that by February 1797 it had been run down to less than a sixth of this level .
3 This has its origin in the late 19th and early 20th centuries when Japan realised it needed natural resources from overseas in order to industrialise effectively to compete with the West .
4 One of the Trust 's most precious assets is the experience , skill and commitment of its staff ; this has its reward in the standards of upkeep and presentation of the properties , and in the enjoyment which the members and wider public , in their tens of millions , gain from them each year .
5 The water 's work being done it passed into the Swilgate , this wending its way to the outskirts of Tewkesbury , where it joins the Severn .
6 It was not , however , willing to discuss its assessment of the impact of its operations on the environment and on the local people .
7 This takes its name from the shift to the left of the curve relating the slope of the population e.p.s.p .
8 Foraging for food in the depths of winter often means travelling through deep snow , and this takes its toll of the goat population .
9 This took its name from the office of Master of the Rolls , established in the fourteenth century for the keeper of the Chancery records .
10 The British Bankers Association endorsed this conclusion , and the CML leant its voice to the chorus of opposition .
11 It seems , then , that in the absence of more objective procedures and criteria , government is here prepared to place its trust in the process described in a well-known British idiom as ‘ it takes one to know one ’ .
12 The National Government had been allotted a definite task , and on its completion it is understood that Parliament should be dissolved as soon as circumstances permit , and that each of the parties should be left free to place its policy before the electors for their approval .
13 This matches its role at the centre of the company .
14 But Cambridge City Council 's environmental health department warned that the success of the appeal did not set a precedent , and that the court had been careful to reiterate its concern at the ‘ grave breaches of the Food Hygiene Regulations ’ .
15 Furthermore , BRAC has been willing to adapt its programme in the light of new findings , as demonstrated in the following brief description of Phase 3 .
16 In a speech delivered on Nov. 16 Zhu indicated that China was fully prepared to link its dispute with the UK over Hong Kong with the two countries ' future economic relations .
17 However , it is also interesting to examine its role in the transition from employment to unemployment , both to see if those finishing temporary assignments are over-represented amongst people becoming jobless , and more particularly to see if temporary working is related to the phenomenon of recurrent unemployment .
18 The Harter Act 's protection of the weak betrays its perception of the bill of lading as a contract for the carriage of goods , whose terms are dictated by the carrier .
19 Le Monde of Dec. 15 , 1990 , also reported that the PCF-dominated trade union organization , the Confédération générale du travail ( CGT ) would from March 1991 lose its control of the trade union structure of the nationalized Renault vehicle manufacturing company for the first time since 1945 .
20 For like a great many theories , it seems much more easily applicable to some kinds of text than to others ; one can see quite clearly its possible relevance to the sort of literature that the New Critics generally preferred to discuss , the lyric tradition from Shakespeare , roughly speaking , to Yeats ( Wimsatt and Brooks described their movement ( 1957 : 742 ) as ‘ neo-classic ’ ) ; but it is much less easy to see its relevance to the novel , or to much modern avant-garde writing .
21 Plastic card investment : Barclays Bank looks set to tighten its stranglehold on the processing of plastic card transactions and will invest more than £22.5m in the service .
22 The islands ' governing Legislative Council on Oct. 26 repeated its protest to the UK government at its exclusion from the ongoing talks , and voted not to co-operate with any plan reached with Argentina until the islanders were assured of a protected 200-mile limit for their own use .
23 Two consortia — one led by P & O and the other by Trafalgar House — are still bidding for partnership with BR , which is due to announce its choice by the end of the month .
24 On the other hand , the behaviour of the political parties is itself endogenous and we have to explain the way in which each chooses its position on the political spectrum .
25 It was a sore point with some villagers who never wished it there and were glad to see its removal during the 1939–45 war for scrap along with the church railings .
26 Each of these has its effect on the difficulty of reading and interpreting the data , but not always in a highly predictable way .
27 There was a shortfall in orders to carry the company into the 1990s — the famous ‘ black hole ’ — and it was vastly overmanned for the amount of work that was likely to come its way in the immediate future .
28 As a result it 's supposedly eyeing the server contingent more seriously and is likely to strengthen its association with the Hewlett-Packard and Digital Equipment Corps of the world .
29 It will be hard to match its success for the return visit in 1994 .
30 Within sight of power , the group has had a public bust-up likely to reduce its appeal in the forthcoming election .
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