Example sentences of "[adj] [verb] that [det] [noun] of " in BNC.

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1 It would be possible to acknowledge that this type of emotional layer exists in human beings , and that it finds expression in the brutality men are capable of inflicting on one another .
2 Patrick had been interested to see that all traces of the damage the insurgents had wrought in the Green — the trenches they had dug , the trees they had felled — had vanished , and the only evidence of the 1916 Rising were the bullet holes in the stonework of the hotel where the rebels had fired on the British troops positioned on the roof and in some of the upper rooms .
3 The CTP proclaims that the link between the perceived object and the perception is just an ordinary bit of the great causal nexus of nature ( it needs to believe this , as we shall see presently ) and yet it is prepared to accept that this segment of the chain has a rather privileged status ; at the very least , that it has a beginning and an end .
4 We are very willing to accept that those parts of the judges ' visitorial jurisdiction which were not incident to the administration of justice in the courts passed down through the routes suggested by Sir William and Professor Baker , but in the context of the present case , where the court has for the first time to inquire into the particular function which is being performed , we are not satisfied that the whole of the visitorial jurisdiction passed by this route .
5 Although some consider that this method of electricity generation offers one of the synthetic fuel industry 's best options , the project has stirred up much opposition from those believing its contribution — 4,300 barrels of oil daily — a drop in the ocean .
6 It would be wrong to suggest that any segment of an eighteenth-century electorate was truly independent , and a number of ties joined the freeholders to the party , or interest , of a local politician .
7 These studies were not " wrong " , but it would be wrong to conclude that this pattern of interest-group politics holds for all issues .
8 It would be foolish to believe that any group of people can interact without a political undercurrent .
9 Mr Patten said this meant that all releases of waste from large industrial processes would be considered together before a discharge licence was granted .
10 Meanwhile , some argue that that pool of resources could be expanded further by allowing solicitors to plead in more types of case .
11 Now this means that this part of the globe the bit nearest to the moon will have more than it 's fair share of gravity because it 's got the gravity of the earth and it 's got the gravity of the moon pulling all the sea which will cause the erm sea to bulge up in this region .
12 And if our understanding of star formation is correct , then this means that most stars of the same size and density as our Sun will have planetary systems .
13 This means that any work of copyright protected under the Copyright , Designs and Patents Act 1988 is also protected in all the countries which are members of these conventions which includes most of the major developed countries .
14 This means that any effects of the government debt may be neutralized by the appropriate combination of lump-sum taxes and transfers .
15 This means that any part of an asset 's increased value , from 1982 or its subsequent purchase to its disposal , which is due to inflation is not counted for CGT purposes .
16 This means that any combination of pronoun plus verb , such as I took or I saw , is rendered by an inflected verb as theme in Arabic .
17 This means that any examination of the details of its terms must be tempered by a consideration of whether or how they might be brought into operation .
18 This suggests that some system of control must be introduced if farmers are to be persuaded to retain the wildlife habitats or landscape features which they would otherwise destroy .
19 This suggests that both groups of children were adding on to the larger digit a number of steps equal in value to the smaller digit .
20 Furthermore s. 2(4) European Communities Act 1972 provides that any Act of the Westminster Parliament shall be presumed not to conflict with EEC legislation , and will be given effect only so far as it does not conflict with the EEC legislation .
21 It is interesting to note that some phonologists of the 1950s and 1960s felt it necessary to invent a ‘ phoneme ’ of juncture in order to be able to transcribe minimal pairs like ‘ grey tape ’ / ‘ great ape ’ unambiguously without having to refer to grammatical boundaries ; see for example Trager and Smith ( 1951 ) .
22 And he was delighted to find that these forerunners of pop journalism had used the same skills as those on which he prided himself to stamp events into the nation 's consciousness .
23 Figures for 1991 reveal that this sort of tradgedy is being played out all over the south of England .
24 It would be dangerous to assume that this balance of topics necessarily reflects the Authority 's PNP priorities very accurately .
25 It was too much to hope that any sign of human presence in the tree would have survived two and a half wintry weeks .
26 The segmentation of labour markets referred to in section 2.1 means that many groups of workers can be viewed as ‘ non-competing ’ groups .
27 It is not too much to say that this interpretation of what appears the plain meaning of section 4 of the Rehabilitation of Offenders Act , 1974 , would make a farce out of the children 's hearing system .
28 Since it was impossible to guarantee that any section of normal roads would be free from other traffic , speeds were calculated from the video on four separate sections of road .
29 As we will explain in the next section , the results of priming experiments like these mean that any model of the visual word-recognition system must incorporate a level of abstract letter recognition .
30 Given Aitken 's fervent support for the Biafrans , it is not unfair to assume that any suggestion of confidence that was not specifically expressed would have been dampened in his mind , since the publication of the document in his view would lend strong support to critics of the government 's policy .
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