Example sentences of "[adj] [verb] the [adj] [noun sg] on " in BNC.

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1 As soon as the delivery is made stocks shoot up again , until further usage reduces them , and this produces the saw-tooth effect on the graph .
2 In the same year , the Rumpers passed an Act for the Relief of Religious and Peaceable People ; this retained the legal requirement on the laity to take part in some form of Sunday worship , but released them from their obligation to attend the local parish church .
3 One student holds an end of the optical fibre on top of the l.e.d. in the transmitter and another holds the distant end on the top of the phototransistor .
4 If he was prepared to fight the Old Man on it as well as one of his juniors , then there was muscle in the man he had never before recognized .
5 They may , however , be taken into account in the initial measurement of the liability in respect of debt to which they directly relate since by this means the financial effect on the issuer of the transaction as a whole is properly reflected .
6 This gives the dirty price on that day .
7 This explains the neutral look on the faces of people in the streets .
8 Penny , three times world champion and favourite to take the Olympic crown on Monday , lost vital points when , as she lay fifth in the seventh race in her class , the centre board broke and she was ruled out of the race .
9 The three-time world champion and favourite to take the Olympic crown on Monday lost vital points when she was ruled out of the seventh race after her board broke .
10 This mirrored the increased emphasis on confession evidence within the police forces around the country .
11 In addition to his leadership potential , it is interesting to note the particular emphasis on character and deportment : excellent self-imaging ( in cleanliness and clothing ) ; good social awareness ( cheerful and pleasant , friendly to everyone ) ; marked intelligence ; a fine sense of humour ; tendency to boredom ( ‘ disinterest ’ ) ; sportive , especially in sailing and skippering , but a good all-rounder ; biddable .
12 ( This remained the Western position on German reunification until 1989 . )
13 Section 5.1 reviews the empirical evidence on the degree to which actual futures prices deviate from the theoretical prices given by the no-arbitrage condition of Chapter 4 .
14 In a broadcast speech on July 26 marking the 38th anniversary on the assault on the Moncada barracks , a landmark in the Cuban revolution , President Fidel Castro called on the population to redouble their efforts to stand up to the continuing economic blockade by the United States and to the economic and political collapse of the Eastern bloc , characterizing the latter as a " disaster " [ see p. 38229 ] .
15 Instead , trade in other goods and trade in services has moved increasingly into surplus to offset the worsening balance on manufactured goods .
16 I am delighted to reassure the hon. Gentleman on the subject of computer software for local authorities .
17 On the basis of this argument , however , were Labour to win the next election on the numerical strength of MPs returned from Scotland , he would then have to agree that Labour have no mandate in England !
18 For example , it is a recognized fact that a child who has been regularly beaten by one or both of his parents is extremely likely to inflict the same violence on his own children .
19 We thus have the typical " skip " instruction ; If the condition is true skip the next instruction ; if it is false execute the next instruction On a single-address computer ( such as the DEC PDP- 10 ) we may find conditional jumps on a test of the contents of an accumulator , or on a comparison of two accumulators , but conditional skips on a test of the contents of a store location , or on a comparison of an accumulator with a store location .
20 This identifies the group of items likely to give the best return on the exercise and puts them in an order of priority .
21 This identifies the group of items likely to give the best return on the exercise and puts them in an order of priority .
22 You 'll notice the drum grooves for both of these imply the rhythmic subdivision on the hi-hat .
23 Only three attended the next meeting on 21st September , at which it was resolved to take steps to reduce the quorum from five to three , and the meeting adjourned ; two weeks later , however , steps had not been taken — in the absence of a quorum , of course , it was impossible — and the meeting had again to be adjourned with only four present .
24 Labour and plant disruption is likely to have the greatest impact on the contractor 's cost but it is invariably the most difficult to substantiate and evaluate .
25 Moyola looked the more likely to get the winning score on the resumption and it came when Ruddock , who was unlucky earlier with a header which struck the Tobermore upright , sent in from the wing in the 79th minute and their big outside left Calderwood was on hand to head to the net .
26 ‘ I 've seen the way you look at him — and frankly we 've all found it rather embarrassing to see the lovesick look on your face whenever he 's anywhere near you .
27 4 Place the new roll on the reel/spindle , feed the end through into the receipt-holder section and make sure that it will run smoothly .
28 Section 11 reverses the previous legislation on the subject in the Misrepresentation Act 1967 , and the Supply of Goods ( Implied Terms ) Act 1973 , as well as the English Law Commission 's initial recommendation on the subject .
29 Czechoslovakia , which joined the Council of Europe in February 1991 [ see pp. 37969 ; 38469 ] , on March 18 ratified the European Convention on Human Rights , the first east European country to do so .
30 On the Sunday , a crowd of eight thousand cheered the Royal Family on their way to church and Baldwin was given a most cordial reception .
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