Example sentences of "[adj] [verb] his [noun] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 Each used his knowledge of the faction to dismantle it .
2 At the end of a narrow rio , the gondolier drew his craft into a small private landing-stage beneath a row of green trees , hanging like willows .
3 2 Maintaining his hold on the attacker , the defender uses his block to pull the attacker onto a rising knee to the stomach .
4 Billy refused to allow this to affect his performances in the Palace goal and he never played better than in his last two League games for us at the end of the 1931–32 season .
5 All this made his instruction in the scriptures and the explanation attached to them more dramatic ; not least his studies in the sacred language which he was expected to acquire .
6 For some reason this made his treachery over the company seem that much greater .
7 This cemented his place in the Test team , although it would be another year or so before he was given the new ball , and then it was just a question of piling up the scalps as the main strike bowler .
8 In light of this , St Augustine 's was prepared to accept his re-enrolment in the school , although the assessment panel expressed a strong wish to keep his case under constant review .
9 There was a growing feeling that the second minister on the Circuit should be free to concentrate his energies on the Edenderry district and that in fact the No 2 Manse should be at should be at this end of the town .
10 It would be far more sensible to concentrate his thoughts on the lovely girl at his side .
11 Farm workers have found themselves working more often alongside their employer and the farmer in turn is often more willing to consult his workers on the day-to-day management of the farm .
12 This caused his dismissal by the school board and disfavour from the Clyde workers committee ; indeed , his closest political contacts before the Russian revolution were with followers of Trotsky .
13 Not that this affected his appetite for the bottles on Franco 's highest shelf .
14 This weakened his position as a symbol of the national struggle .
15 most days you 'll find Tony Meek racing his dogs at the Oxford stadium … not tonight … because the speedway machines are there … its a gala night … the top twenty riders from the second division are racing for the Service Master Trophy …
16 The Manager using the system is constantly face to face with data and this increases his knowledge of the company and its personnel .
17 Thus one man is never better , never more himself , than when he captains his school cricket team ; another reaches his perfection as a seedy forty-year-old lounge bar philosopher ; another is meant throughout his life for ear-bending retirement .
18 This threw his weight onto the outside of the feet which affected his whole balance , causing excessive stress throughout his entire body .
19 Bob Ewell who is the father of the so called victim , Mayella , is prepared to use his influence as a white to get Tom convicted even though we know that it is Bob Ewell who should be taking the punishment as it is made clear in the trial that he is the person who abuses Mayella not Tom .
20 Tiller 's theatrical enterprises were expanding so fast it became inconvenient to use his warehouse during the evenings and at weekends , so he took over part of St James 's Hall in Oxford Street , Manchester , adjoining the St James 's Theatre .
21 He was standing by the window tilting a folded newspaper to the light , which left his other hand free to knead his hip with an unconscious sensuality so familiar .
22 As long as the Soviet Union subscribed to this anti-fascist ethic , Nizan was willing to avert his gaze from the internal contradictions of the Soviet state itself .
23 The name of the Russian General Suworow keeps coming up in this region because of the marches made by the army he brought up from Italy into Switzerland in 1799 during the Napoleonic Wars , forcing the Gotthard Pass against bitter French resistance , but later driven to retreat back up the Muota valley when the French blocked his path at the passage of the Schlattli bridge .
24 And we travelled down to Brighton from London and met in his home George Albert Smith , who was then in his nineties , a charming old man , very good-looking , and very , very interested to share his experiences of the past with us , and I remember he showed us his account books .
25 The National Heritage Memorial Fund say they 're prepared to match his gift with a further two million pounds on the understanding that a public appeal be launched to raise a similar sum .
26 This took his mind off the painful subject of Zambia .
27 When he is walking outside , the patient has to be specially careful to lift his feet off the ground so that he does not trip .
28 This traces his training in the traditional virtues of upper-middle-class English childhood : free emotional deprivation at home , followed by fee-paying emotional deprivation at a public ( ie , private ) school .
29 The appropriate strategy is perhaps to wait to determine whether the Japanese businessman is prepared to offer his hand for a handshake or whether he is going to bow .
30 Sometimes he would merely sit on the Government bench , half listening to some minor debate , half wrapping his mind round the backgrounds and appearances of different members .
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