Example sentences of "[adj] [verb] not [verb] [noun] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 This has not prevented overflow after heavy rainfall , however .
2 In fact only one DCSL has a teaching qualification , but this has not stopped others from becoming fully involved in curricular discussions in project schools .
3 This embraces all overseas companies , but in practice this has not given rise to difficulties .
4 This did not show men to be more lateralised visuo-spatially than women as would have been expected .
5 All this did not stop Alfred from being a Christian king ; indeed some of his recorded behaviour seems almost Quixotically forgiving .
6 But this did not stop Yeltsin from making Grachev a hero and even proposing ( what was not yet properly in his gift ) the post of Soviet defence minister .
7 Workers in other public enterprises were also prevented from striking although this did not stop strikes by postal and railway workers .
8 At 2250 hrs that evening Eighth Army confirmed in a signal to 5 Corps that they were to act in accordance with AFHQ 's ruling that they could hand over all the anti-Tito Yugoslavs so long as this did not involve use of force .
9 Chinese influence on all aspects of Japanese society and politics was immense , and while this did not preclude friction between the two countries , nor the development of indigenous Japanese cultural traits , many of the institutions , ideas and attitudes important to Japanese history owe a great deal to China .
10 Brazil , a significant trading partner of Iraq , joined the embargo but emphasised that this did not cover food for humanitarian uses .
11 Because this alibi showed Mathews to have lied in identifying Murphy , Roy Jenkins , the Home Secretary , asked the Appeal Court to consider whether this did not raise suspicions about Mathews 's identification of McMahon and Cooper .
12 This did not require proof of any wrongdoing and involved the defendant undertaking , on pain of a financial penalty , either to keep the peace or to be of good behaviour , depending on how the matter was treated by the magistrates .
13 This approach was influenced by the belief that the district existed to support the units who would be free to compete and increase their market share as long as this did not jeopardise work for their " home " district .
14 Some do not tax gains at all .
15 As we shall see , conflicts of interest left unregulated do not inspire confidence upon which the financial markets depend .
16 This does not prevent members from seeking an injunction to restrain the act from being done , nor does it affect the liability of the directors for such an act ( s. 35(1) — ( 3 ) CA ) .
17 However , although the overall price rise permitted has been fixed , this does not prevent BT from increasing different tariffs at different rates ( provided it does not engage in Predatory pricing ) .
18 However , this does not prevent markets from continuing to sell weaker ERM currencies .
19 This does not excuse imprecision in writing the contract .
20 This does not convey authority over the specialist ; it is a co-ordinating role added to the specialist role .
21 The usual legal connotations of ownership are therefore irrelevant , but the possession of information , or the ability to control it , may nevertheless be of great significance ; in an entirely trivial sense the paper or computer tape on which information is recorded can be owned , and while this does not confer rights of ownership over the information itself , this distinction may seem empty if what really matters is control of access to and use of information .
22 This does not mean separation from sinners , in a sense of isolation and self-satisfaction like the monks of Qumran ; instead , it means involvement with needy , fallen , spoiled humanity , following the example and endued with the Spirit of him who was a friend of tax gatherers and sinners .
23 But if , at the time the shares are subscribed they carry no voting rights for , say , the first five years , this does not give rise to a chargeable event when the five years have elapsed , because the entitlement to vote after five years exists from the outset .
24 But this does not relieve courts of the need to decide technical issues arising in litigation : expert witnesses are called and courts are often required to choose between the conflicting testimony of expert witnesses called by opposing parties .
25 But as Carl Simonton , the radiation oncologist prominent in the holistic health movement , and others point out , this does not isolate diet as the sole or even the main cause and it is likely that cultural factors , for which Japan is unique among industrialised nations , may be more significant ( Simonton et al .
26 This does not preclude employers from offering help with lunch or travel costs to young people , although this should be negotiated through the school or education authority .
27 Half an hour is the minimum for each side ; so if the moot starts at 8.30 p.m. , and if three judges each take ten minutes to give judgment , it is 10 p.m. even if not a minute has been lost — and this does not allow time for the presiding judge to invite the audience to comment before judgment is given .
28 In what has been described , we have moved from a model of a community in which neighbourly acts were performed within clearly defined limits , with reciprocal benefits looming large , to a model in which , so far as very old people are concerned , such acts are more often the product of altruism ( remembering that this does not deny gratification to the giver ) and of a more systematic attempt to offer and channel care appropriately .
29 This does not imply acceptance of an order which are dealt with subject to availability .
30 However , this does not take account of the importance of decisions and amongst the research families , there was widespread agreement about which decisions were important and which were not .
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