Example sentences of "[adj] [verb] at a time [adv] " in BNC.

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1 This occurred at a time when the militancy of rank-and-file officers increased .
2 This occurred at a time when the Government support in the opinion polls was at one of its lowest ebbs and seemed a desperate attempt to create an atmosphere in which opposition to the Poll Tax became synonymous with criminality .
3 This occurred at a time when the future of the Harwell Laboratory , AEA 's main research establishment , had come under review .
4 It was ironic that 1989 saw the centenary celebration of the Fabian Essays of Webb , Shaw , and their comrades ; this came at a time when Britain seemed in more complete reaction against the imperatives of Fabian rationalism than at any time for a century .
5 This came at a time when all Latin American countries had adopted policies of export-orientated growth , economic liberalization , financial deregulation and the dismantling of investment restrictions and trade barriers .
6 This came at a time when several years of large oil-revenue increases had created an exceptionally propitious atmosphere for reaching some kind of understanding .
7 This happened at a time when the ice had , so to speak , sucked up much of the sea .
8 ‘ I wonder how long we are prepared to vacillate at a time when Britain , and all that Britain stands for , and human civilization , are in peril ? ’
9 This comes at a time when some Western governments are questioning the standard hard-line attitude always taken by British and American leaders and certainly in West Germany there is a growing feeling towards more direct contact with Moscow and less reliance on America 's nuclear stockpile .
10 Paradoxically , this comes at a time when both the Conservative Government and the police themselves are much more cautious about the potential contribution of policing .
11 This comes at a time when staff contracts are changing .
12 This comes at a time when many advanced economies are undergoing profound structural change , with technological change , the growth in importance of the service sector and the growing internationalisation of production .
13 This problem is more likely to arise at a time when the patient is unconscious and can not be consulted .
14 Yet the Commonwealth was after all invented at a time when the British were more than ever enamoured of their capacity for effecting the bloodless obedience of subject peoples .
15 These ‘ drawings ’ may well have influenced both Dada and Surrealism as they were first published at a time when André Breton was championing automatism and mediumism .
16 Military conscription has always been a useful way of soaking up young people and even though Russia is suffering from a decline in the birthrate the sudden release of a large number of men on to the civilian labour market might be difficult to absorb at a time when Gorbachev is trying to raise productivity .
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