Example sentences of "[adj] [verb] at the [adj] time " in BNC.

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1 If this happens at the same time as the inevitable swing into wind , it can result in a very rapid rolling over on to the into-wind wing-tip .
2 This happened at the same time as parishes were being formed , and it seems to have resulted in the extinction of many churches , not only as private property but also as working churches .
3 Some halted at the right time and others did n't , resulting in a bit of a rugger scrum .
4 £1 this comes at the same time as having to make fundamental changes to central corporate systems to address the issues of , on the one hand , the Local Government Act 1988 ( which contains the requirements of competition legislation ) and , on the other hand , attempting to identify and apportion expenditure to individual schools and colleges to meet the requirements of the Education Act 1988 .
5 All reviewers have to try to stand outside the immediate context of their listening , but that can be hard to do at the same time as keeping all emotional wavelengths open .
6 A spreadsheet can be recalculated immediately even if only one figure changes , or if many change at the same time .
7 ‘ There have been occasions when there were three different speakers all preaching at the same time , attempting to drown each other out .
8 In saying that an event c caused an event e , or that e was the effect of c , we typically have in mind but do not say that a set of things including c , but not necessarily all occurring at the same time , was required for e .
9 It all came at the right time , she said , at exactly the right time .
10 Unfortunately , the sources of information do not all appear at the same time .
11 Er another problem we had as well is we had all going at the same time in a very close area as well .
12 ‘ But with Windows you could have Lotus , WordPerfect and Harvard Graphics , for instance , all open at the same time .
13 She exposed the soles of her feet at the mouth of the oven … she drank gall and rubbed her eyes therewith … in her ardent desire for suffering she made herself a silver circlet in which she fixed three rows of sharp points in honour of the thirty-three years that the Son of God lived upon earth … she wore it underneath her veil to make it the more painful as these points being unequally long did not all pierce at the same time … so that with the least agitation these iron thorns tore her flesh in ninety-nine places …
14 And if we all talk at the same time , he ca n't hear anything .
15 But you 're all arriving at the one time .
16 They bubbled with enthusiasm , all talking at the same time while raving on about the beauty of the bush walk .
17 Any eyes or blemishes should be removed and the potatoes should be cut into even-sized pieces to ensure that they are all cooked at the same time .
18 Each council 's elected for four years , but councils are n't all elected at the same time .
19 Those who ignored the role of adaptation were able to flourish at the same time as those for whom adaptation was the primary consideration , because the range of problems that could attract research funding allowed both approaches to find suitable niches for themselves .
20 With the deradicalising of students in the Reagan years , Sarris 's criticisms seem less relevant , and the film is less dated now than those made at the same time or a little later that did reflect the Counter Culture , such as Alice 's Restaurant , The Strawberry Statement , Getting Straight and Zabriskie Point .
21 These levels of breeding success were very similar to those found at the same time in the London area and Leicestershire .
22 In order to compare one year 's attendance with another , it is important to count at the same time each year .
23 I do n't support this blanket band of reducing surplus places for the sake of reducing surplus places , like the district auditor , and if quote right , it 's an accountant looking at erm , looking at figures and nothing else , and I think that is the problem with the issue , erm , we 've seen in other schools , in larger schools , where they 've developed erm , classrooms into a decent library , or resource area , but in the , in the , in the overall spectrum they 're still counted as classroom spaces , and if that classroom was put back er in , into a class , the school would suffer environmentally , because that school would have no library facilities , no resource facilities which it 's able to appreciate at the present time .
24 ‘ I 'm interested in the small things that gradually lead to the repression of women — I want to make people see these , but be able to laugh at the same time .
25 Without any recourse to molecular interpretation Boltzmann proposed that " the forces which act on the surface of an elementary parallelepiped at the given time but also on the previous extensions , with the promise that the longer the time since they took place the smaller their effect . "
26 Assuming that you decide to take the plunge , you should if possible determine at the same time whether you are going to practise on the common law or on the Chancery side .
27 In an economic climate such as that obtaining at the current time , employers are even more likely than usual to wish to alter their employees ' terms and conditions of employment , whether relating to pay , overtime requirements or other matters .
28 It was possible to hate at the same time as you loved .
29 Alternatively , it could be simply a collection of modules which it is temporarily convenient to modify at the same time .
30 I understand it will be convenient to discuss at the same time the next motion on the order paper that the local government finance amendment report Wales nineteen ninety three , ninety four , House of er in i in in in in inquiry .
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