Example sentences of "[adj] [verb] her [noun sg] in the " in BNC.

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1 It was wrong to leave her family in the first place , wrong , having come here to go on leading the life she did . ’
2 This gave her primacy in the Peloponnese and a reputation for invincibility beyond : in Diodorus of Sicily 's universal history , only three of the remarkable human phenomena of Greek history are regularly called invincible , aniketos .
3 She started down the stairs , her steps deliberately unhurried , breathing deeply to calm her twanging nerves , and paused for an instant to scrutinise her reflection in the massive gilt-framed mirror that hung above the banisters .
4 It 's fun to see the no-nonsense , motor-bike-riding heroine beating up on the men in true fantasy-heroic style , but her attempts to encourage her young protege in self-defence end in disaster , making the messages it gives out totally confused and its solutions seeming no more realistic than Ms 45 storing her rapist in the fridge and blowing male scum off the street .
5 His humiliation was smaller than that to which the country had been subjected on being invaded by Napoleon in 1812 , but so was the likelihood that Russia would be able to reverse her defeat in the near future .
6 A baby tethered one in the most relentless way , even a mother who was lucky enough to be able to leave her infant in the hands of others .
7 Unable to read her watch in the gloom , she asked , ‘ What time is it ? ’
8 ‘ You know exactly what I mean , ’ she reproved , too aware that her pleasure in the music had been mirrored on her face more than once during their tour of the nightspots to be able to disavow her delight in the entertainment .
9 The mother 's job is even more exacting ; while remaining true to herself and her needs , she must at first embrace her baby in the closest hold , and then let her move away in steps of her own .
10 It was difficult to see her backside in the mirror , but she could make out the pink weals which had been raised on her tender white bum-cheeks by the little squirt .
11 Shelley was surprised to find her chief in the medical centre .
12 To Robyn it seemed that critical theory had at last moved to its rightful place , centre-stage , in the theatre of history , and she was ready to play her part in the drama .
13 She was not ready to place her life in the hands of any man .
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